Categories > Original > Drama > Nice Idea.


by MCR-99 2 reviews

Read this ASAP.

Category: Drama - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2013-02-23 - 160 words

So,Mia comes out of hospital tomorrow,as we all know.

So,if you are doing a nice peice of reading/video for Mia.I'm gonna need it by later tonight (my time) so I can start up with it.

If you send a video,I'll put it on my youtube account then save both links.

If you want my email adress again it's

So,I only have two people in so far and that is Missy and AJ.

Any other takers? You have until 7pm today (at my time ofc.) for all vids and stuff.

I will start the present thing tomorrow,for all to see.

Again,you can do:

a) short story.

b) oneshot.

c) a song.

d) a video about all the nice things you like about Mia etc.
e) a poem.

So,that's pretty much it.
I'm doing her poem,which'll be the last thing on the list of suprises.

xo Sadie
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