Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > She Always Gets What She Wants

Chapter 24

by xFuRiEx 4 reviews

Drama, drama and more drama! I think... Wouldn't it be funny if I didn't add drama to the genres now?

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Warnings: [!!!] - Published: 2013-02-23 - 3733 words

"You lied to me?"

The shocked outcry rang clear through the room and hung in the air between us. We stood facing each other, an angry pair of green eyes staring at an equally angry set of hazel eyes.

"You lied to me!" The question from earlier was turned into an outraged realization, but the tone of voice used to say it didn't change other than growing louder and more upset. "I can't believe it. You knew this entire time and you didn't say a damn thing. You've known for days and yet you kept it from me."

"Well, isn't that grand!" I spat. "You're the one who kept your little friendship with your ex-boyfriend a secret from me and I'm the one who's being accused of keeping things from you?" I stared hard at Brittany. It didn't even surprise me that she would turn this on me. It was so typical of her.

"You could've saved us both from this if only you'd been straight and told me you knew," she continued, completely ignoring me. "If you already knew, why are you so upset anyway?"

"I'm upset because you never bothered to tell me. We're in a relationship now and we're supposed to tell each other everything. Besides that, seeing you here with him today reminded me of the last time I saw the two of you together. Not a pretty memory I'll have you know."

"Frank, it doesn't matter, because nothing happened. The fact of the situation is that you're busy all the time nowadays. Kasey has a life of her own and I needed some company. I told you that Tray and I were good friends before we dated and that's all we are again right now. Friends."

"I'm sorry, but I don't believe you."

I was stunned by my own words more than she was. The truth. I finally admitted that I didn't trust her. No, I trusted her just not when it came to her ex-boyfriend. The silence seemed to stretch on forever until I finally gathered the strength to continue.

"He was your boyfriend and meanwhile you were sleeping with me. You used me to cheat on him. Now I'm your boyfriend. Are you going to use him to cheat on me this time?"

"Fuck you!" she screamed, her hand freezing mid-air, tightly clutching a hairbrush. The look on her face told me that she really wanted nothing more than to throw me with the object at that moment."No, I'm not going to do this," she stated firmly after a few seconds, lowering her hand. "I'm going to be better than this. I'm going to be better than you."

"You already think that you are," I murmured under my breath, but unfortunately she heard me and I ducked just in time as the hairbrush came flying at my head. It flew over me and hit the wall behind me before falling down on the ground with a loud clatter. Everything seemed so much louder right now.

"Screw you, Frank Iero!" she shouted and Iwas relieved that we were alone and that no one was there to hear this argument. This might just end in a blood shedding as things have already become violent.

"So you have, over and over again," I replied bitterly.

This was probably the coldest I've ever been towards the beautiful blonde standing in front of me seething with every breath she took, but I've had enough, enough of her lies and enough of her secrets. It's been a few days since I overheard her and Amy talking and I still wasn't sure what to do with my secret new knowledge. Then we came back from the studio today at the same time Tray dropped her off in his fancy convertible. Something inside me snapped. Knowing about their friendship and actually seeing them together were definitely two different things. Gerard and Mikey must have guessed what was going on, because they both quickly disappeared. It was just me and Brittany. I spilled my guts to her and that is why we were screaming at each other the way we were.

"What is wrong with you?!" she demanded angrily. "Honestly, this isn't you. You're being so callous towards me."

"And let me guess, you don't deserve it."

"I hung out with a friend! Since when is that the end of the world?"

"Since said friend happens to be your ex-boyfriend and since you lied about it and kept it from me," I shot back immediately. "That's the worst, because why would you hide it from me unless there was something else going on?"

"Maybe because I expected you to react exactly the way you are now or maybe I was just happy that you gave me the time of day after what I did to you and I didn't want to do anything to ruin that."

I couldn't contain my skepticism, "Please, do you really want me to believe that?"

"Believe whatever you want. You're not going to believe anything I say to you right now anyway."

"Try me," I challenged, but she shook her head standing firm. "I am sick and tired of fighting all the time and don't even think about giving me that crap about it being who we are and what we do, because it's not what we do. It's what we did. We used to bicker not fight. We tormented each other for our own amusement, arguing about you being atattletale or Gerard choosing my side over yours. But when was the last time we fought over those stupid little things? You can't remember, because we haven't done that in ages. We've come a long way since high school. Believe it or not, we've grown up. Gerard was right though, our arguments have become a lot heavier and we're fighting over real issues, things that make both of us unhappy, but the problem is that neither of us wants to give in, because why would we give one another that satisfaction? Until we can get over ourselves and put each other first, we're going to keep fighting about the same things." She opened her mouth to respond, but I continued without giving her a second's chance. "And we never sort anything out. We fight and then solve the problem with sex, but that's not solving the problem at all. We need to learn to talk about things, because sex doesn't solve anything. It simply distracts us for a while and eventually those problems come back worse than before. That is why we can't get along anymore."

"That's not all my fault! Just so you know, you're not the only one who is tired of fighting all the time either."

"I bet you and Tray never fought like we do."

"No, we didn't. Tray and I didn't fight about anything," she said quietly, staring down at her feet.

That was not exactly the reply I expected. They never fought about anything? In that case this relationship was adowngrade and must've been a disappointment. No wonder she's always angry with me.

"Well, if you and Tray were so fucking happy together why don't you go back to him?" I said, voice dripping with venom.

"I think I will!"

That caught me up short.

"What?" I gasped shocked.

That was definitely the most unexpected response I've ever received and it felt like someone punched me in the face. Yes, we were both angry, but that was no reason to break up. She was so serious that there was no other way for me than to believe her. She was completely serious about going back to Tray. I could see it in her eyes. This was not good. I didn't want to break up. Why the hell couldn't we just fight it out, make peace and move on for once? Why did we always have to go to the extremes to solve our problems?

"Come on, Frank. You can't really tell me that you're surprised. Things haven't been right between us for a while now and you can't argue with that even if you wanted to."

I kept from telling her that we've only been together for a while, five weeks to be exact. That's no time at all.

"You're busy all the time and I get it, Ireally do. The band is just starting out and it's important to you. I would never ask you to choose, but honestly I have to choose for myself and I need more."

"We're not going to record forever..."

"And then after finishing the record, you're going to go away on tour and then what? I'll see even less of you then if that's even possible. Fucking Amy sees you more than I do and you have no idea how much I hate that!"

"But..." I closed my mouth, wracking my brain for something to say, but coming up empty. She was breaking up with me. It was over. Fuck. Now what? My pride kicked in at this point. If this is what she wanted... I wasn't going to beg.

I straightened up, pulling my shoulders back and staring right at her before saying, "Then go back to him. I hope the two of you are happy in your perfect relationship," I muttered sarcastically, turning around and storming out of her bedroom.

"We will be!" I heard her yell after me.

I was fuming inside and out. I couldn't believe this. First she left him for me and now she was leaving me for him. Am I the only one who sees how ridiculous this is? I should've known better. I did know better and yet I still took the plunge. Fucking idiot.

I met Mikey halfway down the hallway and nearly ran over him.

"Whoa, Frank what..."

"Don't even fucking start with me, Mikey,"I growled. "You didn't want me to date your sister. Merry Christmas, I'm not."

I continued charging towards the front door where I finally ran into Gerard just coming into the house. He stopped me dead in my tracks for a few seconds.

"Frank, what happened? Are you okay?"

"Fucking peachy," I grimaced. "Ask your damn sister."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Talk to me man."

"I don't want to fucking talk to you!" I snapped. "It's your sister for heaven's sake! You'll just choose her side. It doesn't matter anyway, because there won't be any trouble from our messy relationship anymore!"

Gerard looked taken aback by my words, but I didn't even care. So what if he was willing to choose my side. So what if Iknew he would be reasonable about the situation. I didn't care if I hurt his feelings, because right now I couldn't be fazed by anything other than getting the hell away from here. With that thought in mind, I stormed off in the direction of my house.

"Frank!" Gerard called after me, but I ignored him and only stopped when I slammed the front door shut behind me.

"Frank?" It was my mother's calm and soothing voice coming from the kitchen.

I could hear her footsteps coming closer. However, I knew that now was not a good time to talk to her, because I would not be responsible for anything that came from my mouth. I hurriedly ripped the door open again and ran out, leaving the door wide open as I went. By this time my heart was already racing and I couldn't tell if it was from pure rage or because I was extremely unfit, which I definitely was. I was in a fighting mood. I already fought with everyone I knew. I might as well add one more person to the list.

Fortunately my mom's keys were in the car and it allowed me to drive the distance to Amy's apartment.

I knocked rapidly on the white wooden door and finally it swung open. I'm not sure what she saw on my face, but Amy stepped aside with large grey eyes, not saying a word. I stomped inside and spun around to glare at her. Maybe it wasn't fair to take my anger out on everyone close to me, but I needed to get everything, all the issues of the past few weeks off of my heart. It was time for everything to get sorted out.

"What's the matter?" the grey-eyed beauty wanted to know cautiously.

"Brittany and I broke up... Yeah, apparently she was still friends with Tray, wait no, she quite literally told me that she would rather be with him than with me. Strange how the world works."


"I heard you and Brittany talking the other day. The two of you made quite a few revelations. Her friendship with Tray and you... You love me?" I frowned confused. I wasn't sure why I still found that hard to believe. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because you had a girlfriend."

It was such a simple answer and yet it made more sense than anything I've heard all day.


"But what, Frank?" Amy asked almost aggressively. "You had a girlfriend!"

"You should've told me!" I insisted angry all over again for no apparent reason. "Brittany was always going crazy over how you wanted me and she was right all along. This is your fault."

"I never acted on my feelings for you! And it is not fair of you to take you anger out on me. I didn't do anything wrong!"

"I'm sorry, but it just feels like everyone is lying to me and I am sick and tired of it."

"That is not true!" the blonde exclaimed upset. "I never lied to you! Why don't you see that I couldn't tell you? Would it have made a difference in any case? If I had told you that I loved you would you have left her to be with me?"

Her question caught me by surprise and completely defused my temper. She watched me intently, anxiously waiting for my response. Would I have left Brittany for her if I knew how she really felt and if I did, why? Do I feel the same? We have been having a lot of fun together and we've always had some kind of connection. I've been attracted to her since day one and I trusted her. Maybe...

"I don't know!" I exclaimed, shaking my head in confusion. "I don't know."

"Then you better figure it out!" Amy said sternly, "Because this isn't fair! You can't keep doing this, Frank. Every time you and Brittany hit a bump in the road you come running to me. I am not your girlfriend and I am not your best friend. You can't keep taking and taking from me. I deserve better."

She was absolutely right. I was leading her on. And I tried so hard not to. Maybe it was inevitable. Maybe if you cared for someone as more than a friend, you couldn't help leading them on. Subconsciously you kept showing them that there was more despite everything else going on.

"You know I'll always be here if you need someone to listen. I am your friend, but I don't want to hear anymore about you and Brittany."

She kept talking and I kept listening. Finally, Amy was the one pouring her heart out to me and she was saying everything I probably needed to hear a long time ago.

"I told you that you deserve better and you knew as well as I did that your relationship with Brittany was going to end in ruins. Don't come here acting all shocked and surprised by it, because you're not! I get it that you're upset by the break-up, but I don't want to hear it. I'm sorry, but it just seems stupid to me that you would be heartbroken by something you knew was going to happen in the first place. You dove head first into this. Just deal with it. I know you love her, but..."

"I never said I loved her," I interrupted her speech.

"You do."

"I don't..."

"Frank! You're lying to yourself. The only reason you were willing to get caught up in all this bullshit was because you loved her. There was no other way you would've gotten involved with her in the first place if it weren't for your feelings for her."

"You have to figure it out, because I told you that I wasn't going to wait around forever. I have my own life to live and..."

Once again I was at a fork in the road, though it seemed this decision has been looming over me for a long time already. Amy or Brittany? Brittany and I were officially and finally over. She was going to go back to Tray giving me the full right to finally be with Amy.

The latter was still rambling when I kissed her, cutting off her speech and seemingly her ability to breathe as well, because she practically went limp in my arms. If it weren't for the tight grip I had around her, she probably would've been sprawled on the ground. That wasn't such a bad picture, I thought sitting down on the bed with her still in my arms.

Kissing Amy felt like the most natural thing in the world to do and it felt good. There was no underlying tension, no strings attached. It was pure and simple. It's what I had wanted with Brittany, a normal relationship, but now that was never going to happen. I might even be relieved right now that it was finally over. Now I didn't have to worry about the way Brittany would react when I told her something. I didn't have to care about any of her thoughts anymore.

Amy's arms automatically wrapped around my neck and she pressed herself tighter against me also deepening the kiss.

"Frank, we shouldn't..."

"Shh," I murmured, kissing her again."Don't ruin it."


"It's our turn now, okay?" I breathed, lips not leaving hers.

Amy pulled back breathlessly. "Frank, you just got out of a relationship."

"That was a disaster," I pointed out carelessly. "Plus it was over in the blink of an eye."

I slid my hands under her shirt and up her back, feeling her shiver slightly.

"Frank, this still isn't right."

"Please," I whispered, reclaiming her lips for a few seconds before she pulled away once more.

"Frank, I'm not Brittany."

It was like she slapped me through the face. Did she really think that I would use her to replace Brittany?

"I know you're not Brittany and I love that fact. You're nothing like her. In fact you're completely the opposite of her."

"We need to talk about this. We can't just jump into bed together like..."

"Brittany and I used to do. That's the point. Brittany and I didn't have a real relationship. It was all just physical. You and I on the other hand have talked, we've bonded."

"Frank," she sounded almost sad saying my name.

"Brittany and I might've broken up at just the right time."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"I'm saying that if we stayed together any longer there was no telling what I would've done. I might've turned into her, because she might've been right to be worried about our friendship."

"What exactly are you saying, Frank?" she asked confused.
"I think I love you too," I blurted out unintentionally.

Amy's head shot up and she stared at me wide-eyed.


I shrugged nervously.

"I never thought about it before, but it makes perfect sense and everything you said earlier... I love you." I wore asmall smile now and instantly Amy's smile also grew wide and bright. It was beautiful. She was beautiful. And I kissed her again...


I giggled, watching as Amy painted my nails black. They needed a do-over, the nail polish being all chipped off.

"I usually do this myself," I informed her, still watching the small strokes of the brush.

"That explains a lot," she muttered absentmindedly. "Frank, hold still!" she scolded loudly, finally looking up at me like I wanted her to.


"No, I'm just mad," she grumbled quietly, looking back down at the hand she was holding and continuing her previous task of doing my nails.

I frowned slightly at the beautiful blonde sitting cross-legged next to me in nothing but my t-shirt. This was an unexpected shift in her mood. A few minutes ago she was all smiles and giggles and now she didn't even want to look at me. What changed?


"Why am I mad?" she questioned, putting the nail polish away and lightly blowing on my wet nails. "I'm mad because I let things go too far. This shouldn't have happened."

"Why not? We both wanted it."

"Yes, but why? I know why I wanted it, but Frank..."

"Don't do it, Amy. You're reading too much into this. You don't want to hear about Brittany and I don't want to talk about her. We're over, okay?"

"But now what?" she wanted to know. "What happens now? Do you go back to hating each other? What about you and me?"

"I can't say what's going to happen between Brittany and me, but I would like to hope that there could be something more between the two of us. I meant what I said earlier. I love you. Brittany and I breaking up was a good thing."

She sighed deeply, "Promise?"

"Amy, I'm not going to hurt you," I promised, bringing a hand up to cup her cheek before leaning forward to kiss her. "It's you and me now, baby," I smirked and the girl giggled, pushing me back down on the bed and crawling on top of me.

Life wasn't so bad after all. Breaking up with Brittany sucked, but now I had Amy and she made me happy, obviously and it would seem that I made her happy as well. Here's hoping I could at least make this relationship work.


Wow, wow, wow! Quite a busy chapter. This chapter came a lot sooner than I expected it to.

Frank's quite the little asshole isn't he?

Hm, I hope that last part wasn't too cheesy, though.

Oh, and sorry this chapter took so long. I've just been over my head in work.

If you're still reading, leave a comment please!

Love you dears!

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