Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Fallen Angels

I'm Your Mind,Giving You Someone To Talk To

by MCR-99 1 review

Another Serard. I just got this idea from the song 'Hello' by Evanescence.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: Gerard Way - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2013-02-23 - 407 words

I'm Your Mind,Giving You Someone To Talk To

My eyes are drenched with the tears as I make my skin bleed.Several things run through my mind at the point of me bleeding.All the lies I told,all the pain I caused.

Never was and never will be.
Have you no shame,don't you see me?

I heard voices as I laugh at my own pain.

Oh,how we love you.
No flaws when you're pretending.

They never saw who I really was,I only lied to fit in,but no more.
I lied,and I'd die for the truth.

He came.


He said my name.

Talk.Tell me,why? Why you feel this way?

I said his name.
That person who asked me why I felt the eternal guilt,of waking everyday.
In that bed,expecting to see him,his smiling voice.
But,he was dead now.
He was dead,and I was to be with him.


"I need you.You know that.I need to see you."
I said the words I've been dying to say,for years now.

You think that slitting yourself,would bring me back?

"It's worth a try."

But,you have no need to do this.I'm still with you.

I remembered that line.

"Though you're still with me,I've been along all along."I laugh,as I inflict more pain on myself.




"I can't,Gerard.I've come so far,I can't back down now."


I ignored him,he'd go away soon.I'd see him soon,and all would be perfect again.

His ghosted hand grabbed my arm,and I looked up at him.His eyes were serious,fixicated on the blade.He then looked at me.

"I said,to stop."

I dropped the blade,and it hit the floor with a thud.

"Gerard."I whispered his name,and his face turned into a smile.

"Who else?"

He was here,I could truly see him.
Everything was perfect,in that one moment.
Before he was gone again,back into my mind.

Yeah,I got 4 evanescence songs on my phone.
Bring Me To Life,My Immortal,Hello and Everybody's Fool.
They inspired me for this.
I got the title from Hello and most of those lyrics from Everybody's Fool and the one 'though you're still with me,I've been alone all along' from My Immortal.

:') R&R xo Sadie
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