Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Doll of Darkness


by Sam41 0 reviews

"I will never let anything bad happen to you, trust me"

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2013-02-25 - 2125 words

Normal POV

I blinked my sore eyes open slowly, expecting to be greeted by the bright white lights, the buzz they made; a hard bed beneath me, people watching contently, focusing on my body, silently praying I would wake up.

But no, this was definitely NOT the case; I woke to darkness, huddled into myself like an armadillo looking for protection against an enemy, except I wasn’t in a desert. I woke up in a dark, cold, alley.

“He-hello?” I stuttered, calling out to my darkened surroundings; being greeted by a young girl’s giggle.
“Who’s th-the-there?” I shivered, the ground was still visible, although it felt like I was being surrounded by ice, cold snow. The girl once again giggled, as I began to feel my body temperature begin dropping, pulse rate slowing, mind beginning to fog up.

“Hi, Frank?” The girl squealed, floating over and confining my arms to my side; in what would be a bone crushing hug.

“Uh hi?” I felt like a celebrity, girls just throwing themselves at you screaming “LET ME LOVE YOUUUUUU” or “JUST TAKE ME” or the weirdest I’ve seen at meet and greets “MY BODY IS READY FOR YOU!” It’s a scary world out there.

“OhmygoshIcan’tbeliveIgettomeetFrankfreakingIero!” This once again confusing me, my face contorting into an expression of freaked out.
“You don’t remember?” The girl asked, giving me a look.

“Remember what?! I’m a highschool student who was on my way home from dinner with my boyfriend and his family; he crashed, and I have no idea where the fuck I am!” I screamed, a sudden feeling of nausea washed over me; I fell to my knees, a shooting pain went through my thighs as the bone hit the pavement. I doubled over, holding my stomach gagging, as I did so the girl rested a hand on my back, sighing.

“Frank, do you know what’s going on?” She whispered, her tone seeming….sympathetic.

“No! I don’t know why I’m here, why I’m freezing, why I can’t focus, why my heart is trying to stop, why I wanna throw up, why YOU FLOAT!” I screamed, gagging once more.

“It’s okay, you can stand up. Nothing’s going to come out.” She shrugged, sock clad feet still a foot off the pavement.

“How? Why? Where’s Gee?” I sobbed, suddenly regretting everything I’ve done wrong in the past.
Mom, I’m sorry! I spilled apple juice in the hall all over the carpet!
Um yeah, I’m um gay
Dude! We can’t go riding in your dad’s car he’ll kill us!....Whatever fine, let’s go

Sobs being paired with the gags caused Frank to choke, unable to breath he began to freak the fuck out.

“HEY! FRANK CALM DOWN!” The girl screamed, looking around for anyone else to help. “Whatever.” With this, the girl slapped the boy hard across the face, leaving a bright red handprint on his unnaturally pale face.

“What?” Frank whispered, through sobs and gags that wracked his small frame.

“You where freaking out, you can’t do that here. Either the dark ones will notice and find you, or you’re going to disappear faster.” Her voice soft, as a dark cloud began making it’s way over the moon.

“Oh no!” RUN!” The girl whisper-screamed, pulling Frank behind her as she floated fast; weaving through allies, houses, up and down stairs.

“What? What? WHAT THE FUCKING FUCKITY FUCK?” Frank yelled, only to have the girl slap a hand over his mouth, causing a new stinging sensation in his cheeks.

“The cloud? Yeah that’s the dark ones.” She whispered, leaning back against a rack.

“Where are we?” Frank mumbled, looking around at the dusty, murky room.

“Wine cellar, only place I could think of off hand.” The girl shrugged, grabbing a bottle and smashed the top off; taking a chug.

“Um, aren’t you like 14?” Frank asked, watching as the girl chugged back the bitter liquid.

“Well if you want to get technical, I’m negative 12.” This causing Frank to jump back.

“YOUR NOT EVEN BORN YET?!” He screamed, only to have a bottle whipped at him, missing his face by a millimeter and smashing against the wall behind him.

“Shut up! And yeah I was, just not when you where.” This confusing Frank, causing him to raise an eyebrow. “It means we’re from two different times, you’re from…whenever and I’m from what will be you’re future. Once you die, you come here. This is the place you wait and see what they rule you as.” The girl raised her arms above her head, slightly flailing as she rolled her eyes.

“Rule you as?” Frank whispered, confused

“When you die, you come here; got that part?” The girl asked, as Frank nodded “Then they rule you; based off your life.”


“It’s hard to explain, but let’s pretend you where a criminal, like Freddy Kruger. He did shit to the kids that was terrible.”

“Like what?” Frank asked, trying to focus on what she was talking about.

“Um, touched them, sexually harassed them pretty much, and if I remember correctly he carved stuff into their faces. I don’t know what he all did; but he was a lowlife bastard. They would go off all that, and rule him guilty.”

“So like in court, when you’re ruled guilty you serve a punishment?” Frank clarified

“Exactly, except you don’t receive punishment; the dark ones take you away, and I don’t know what happens after that.” Tears formed in Frank’s eyes; thinking of Gerard and Billie.
Gee went against his religion, he caused people pain from the crash
Billie fucked up a lot, doing shit that got him arrested
Frank began to sob, thinking of how much pain his friend’s must’ve been in right now while he was waiting.

“I’m going to die, a terrible, horrible death.” Frank groaned, tears soaking his face

“Well, you already died; more like suffer.” The girl awkwardly pointed out, as Frank groaned

“Why? WHY WHY WHY?” He yelled, slamming his fist into the wall, only to feel a numbing sensation as it passed through.

“OH GOD I AM DYING ALREADY!” Frank screamed, pulling his arm back.

“You’re not going to die, you fully die when you get ruled.” The girl shrugged, looking around

“How long will that take?” Frank whispered, wiping at the wetness on his face.

“Depends, could be so fast you don’t end up here, or hundreds of years.”


“Chill out Frank, that’s a rare case.” The girl growled, playing with her fingernails, not giving a fuck.

“G- um what’s your name?” Frank whispered, looking up at the girl.

“Kacey, and I’ve been here for just about 6 years.” This causing Frank’s jaw to drop, eyes widening.

“Really?” Frank whispered, receiving a nod from Kacey. “Do you know anyone who’s made it to the dark ones?” Kacey once again nodded.

“Yup, a gang I knew growing up; they fucked themselves over.” Kacey explained, laughing at Frank’s expression of “dafuq-woman-you-knew-a-gang?” “No, not a badass “I will kill you, fuck your mom and do drugs gang; more punk gang.” This causing Frank to nod, only to give her an expression.

“You knew them how?” Frank still confused, as Kacey looked normal as fuck.

“I was best friends with Skye, Whatsername and Jay.” Frank laughed

“/Whatsername?/” He laughed, causing Kacey to join in.

“You think that’s funny? Jay stood for either Jesus of Suburbia or St.Jimmy.” Frank stopped laughing for a second to give her a weird look.

“Two names for one dude?”

“Alter-ego; one was normal, and the other was the leader of this gang; who fucked my best friend.”

“Who was your best friend?”

“Skye, and the whole fucking Jimmy thing fucked her over.”

“How’d they die?!” Frank’s voice came out as a squeak.

“I have no fucking idea. In all honesty, and no I wasn’t involved so I’m not fucked over.” Frank shrugged as the girl answered his question.

“Did anyone of the gang not get ruled yet?” Frank asked, curious about all that Kacey knew.

“Yeah, a couple of them.” She nodded, as a bang erupted outside the cellar.

“WHATS GOING ON?!” Frank squealed, only to feel someone slap him upside the face.

“Get it together Iero, it’s just a ruling, someone either got fucked over; or sent off to be peaceful.”

“You.” A new voice entered, slamming the door of the cellar closed.

“Who are you?!” Frank squealed, as the guy pulled him from his spot with Kacey and up the stairs.

“HELPHELP!”Frank screamed, as Kacey slowly walked up the stairs, brushing a piece of dark hair off her face.

“Frank, I’m always gunna protect you, you know that right?” She called, only to have Frank’s face contort into an expression of confusion.
What does that mean?

“Frank Anthony Iero” A loud voice called out, as Frank slowly walked towards the front of the ruling arena.

This arena was like a greek Olympic arena, those waiting to be ruled sat in the seats, circling the kneeling platform; where the judge would review your sins and make his decision; forcing you through one of two doors.

One: Nice happy, heaven, amazing place really

Two: The dark ones had you and you suffered for eternity, so like hell on crack

“You’ve sinned, you’ve done well. Neutral.” The judge called, not bothering to explain his mistakes.

“WHAT?! “ A voice screamed, rage and pain obvious as a dark mist circled the arena, causing all vision to be lost, until it faded away; leaving a man in it’s place.

“Yero, leave; I’ve made my decision.” The judge growled, eyes narrowing at the dark one.
Yero seemed normal, dark hair, medium dark skin, angry brown eyes, me-
Was that Pete?

“Pete?” Frank whispered, looking at the guy.

“WHAT?! Oh Frank.” He nodded, expression returning to his normal grinning self.

“Pete? Pete Wentz?” A voice of a young girl squealed, only to have her try and maul him.

“NO!” He screamed, holding out a his left hand, a sudden force of power caused her to go flying into the arena wall, the sound of bones snapping, spine breaking, breath leaving her lungs, and a last groan of pain before she hit the floor, officially dead and waiting for the dark ones to take her.

“He cannot be neutral! Nobody is neutral.” Pete growled, eyes angry as the judge slammed his cane down.

“He has a gift, and he must use it wisely!” Frank just sat, an expression of fear washing over his features.

“Really now? What is he going to do? Seduce Stacey’s mom?” The judge, having enough of Pete’s bullshit; lifted his cane and slammed it full force into the dark one, receiving an ‘oof’ from him.

“I-Is he dead?” Frank flipped, watching as his friend lay motionless on the ground.

“No, he is a dark one; a vampire along with it. He doesn’t die, he never will.” The judge growled, lifting his cane once more, and slamming it harder on the ground.

“Kacey! Take him back.” Frank grinned from ear-to-ear as the girl he had become best friends with emerged from the shadows of the torches.

“C’mon Frank.” Grabbing his hand, Kacey walked to the middle door; It wasn’t open, it was nearly unnoticeable to the human eye.

“Where are we going? What’s going on?” Frank asked, as they walked down a long corridor, groans, moans, screams and everything inbetween could be heard from the dark ones.

“You have a second chance, Judge believes you have a gift.”

“What gift? How will I know, what about you? Will I ever see you again, or Gerard, or Billie?” Frank whispered, tears brimming his eyes.

“I don’t know about your friends, but like I said; I will never let anything happen to you.” Kacey smiled, pulling him into a hug before pushing him through a door.

“Have fun! Oh and tell Elli ‘hi’ for me.” Kacey yelled as Frank began to feel something lifting him up.
Like he was being pulled out of water.

Slowly blinking his eyes, and waking up to the stero-typical hospital scene, he heard someone move from beside him.

“Frank?” A familiar male voice whispered, a hope filling it.

“Um, what?” Blinking the sleep from his eyes Frank looked over to see a smiling, black haired, short boy sitting beside him.
“Am I still dead?”
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