Categories > Original > Horror > The hunt

Battle ready

by Lirazel 0 reviews

Category: Horror - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2013-02-26 - 1155 words - Complete

There was a knock at the door. Zachariel got up and opened up the door and let in Ezekiel and two unknown males. They were relatively tall and worn long coats. They were talking loudly in some language that sounded like the Aramaic I heard in a Biblical movie with a slight chirping and beeping noises. From their choice of clothing and muscle tone they were angels. They stood in the middle of the room and looked around as if they were waiting for an applause and eyed me suspiciously. I broke my stare from them trying to go unnoticed. “Where’s the weapons,” shouted one of the angels who had a shaved head. “Why didn’t you bring your own,” asked Brandon. “Yall were suppose to make some for us, you have all the time in the world vamp,” said the bald angel smirking. “We, have mostly mortal weapons and a few supernatural. We’ll
use our own,” said Zachariel. “Yeah human craftsmanship is so shitty these days,” said the one with long dark hair .” You may have to rely on those shitty weapons,” said Radziel smiling ear to ear.” Where’s Remiel,”asked Paul. ”He’s out searching with Sara and Emmanuel,” said Ezekiel.” What do you pussies have to eat around here,” said the bald angel leaping on one of the chairs and onto the edge of the couch. “Hey watch it asshole,” said Balthazar.” Why don’t you move demon,” said the bald angel getting off the couch taking a glance at Michelle’s almost bare ass.”I always liked guns. Mankind really have come a long way from swords and clubs” said the long haired angel playfully pointing the gun at Brandon and then at Balthazar. Brandon frowned and Balthazar sat up almost waking up Michelle giving the angel the finger. Easy there Uziel,”said Ezekiel.Uziel laughed and jumped up on the table spilling the empty soda cans and plastic cups on the floor. He joined the bald angel leaping from the ceiling and nearby furniture while laughing hysterically. Zachariel just sat in his favorite chair and stared at his fellow angels make fools out of themselves. Radziel just studied the weapons and Ezekiel laughed on while everyone else just stared at their antics. Larry came down the stairs and just looked on with disgust. “What’s going on “ asked Larry looking at the mess the angels made. ”Nothing, we’re just warming up,” said Uziel. “And being dumbasses,”said Brandon under his breath. “Yeah, we‘re going to leave in time so we can rescue your pack mate from the boogeyman,” said the bald angel giggling. Larry frowned. “Hey, cool it Sephiriel,” said Ezekiel. “Well clean up your mess first” said Larry. “Why, we already cleaning up your mess,” said Uziel. Larry expression turned from angry to surprised and back to angry again at Uziel backhanded comment. Larry walked over slowly towards Uziel.”Oh, you hit a nerve bird boy,” said Balthazar sitting up grinning. Zachariel got up and stopped Larry from approaching Uziel.”Hey, we’re helping you. There’s no need to get upset. We are angels. We fight and help every living thing on this planet. We are fighting for your mere existence” said Uziel. Yeah, well all that does not matter in here. This may not be your house but you damn sure better respect it,” said Larry shouting. I smiled at the fact Larry was standing up to these arrogant and deluded angels who thought they were above everyone. “Hey let’s go already. It’s is almost sundown,” said Radziel.”Hey wake up babe duty calls,” said Balthazar waking up Michelle.” Looks like there is a trend going on here,” said Sephiriel eying Michelle who was fixing her skirt. “Hi I’m Michelle,” she said in a high pitch voice to the angels. “Hey, I’m cupid and these are my friends Hermes and the tooth fairy,” said Sephirel with a arrogant grin mocking Michelle. Ezekiel and Uziel laughed. Michelle just laughed on with the joke.’ These fine gentlemen happen to be Ezekiel,Uziel,and Sephiriel,”said Paul.” Also known as the three stooges,” said Brandon. “Ok, grab most these weapons,” said Zachariel. “Are you guys angels too,” said Michelle. “Yeah, we’re angels. I take that you are a human,” said Ezekiel looking at her with sly smirk. ”Yeah, I’m really familiar with supernaturals now. I use to date a vampire before I met Balthazar,” said Michelle. Sephiriel and Uziel looked at one another and laughed. ”Interesting” said Ezekiel nodding his head. ”Very interesting,” said Balthazar wrapping his arm around Michelle's neck walking her over to the door. ”Hey let’s grab all of these and put it in the truck,” said Zachariel barking orders. I got up and helped Radziel take the weapons and followed Zachariel out the door. ”You taking them the natural way or the supernatural way, ”asked Zachariel looking over at Radziel and Balthazar. “Well I don’t know about Radziel but I’m going to do a little bit of both with my lady,” said Balthazar grinning wide. Michelle began to laugh hysterically. Me and Radziel just snickered at Balthazar’s innuendo.Zachariel was not amused.”Im serious Balthazar.”Ok you can fly her over or I’ll drive her,” said Balthazar. “It’s not safe driving.“ I can fly her,” said Paul trying not to drop the heavy weapons . Zachariel shook his head.” What about one of us we can take her,” said Sephiriel who was standing with Uziel who both had perverted sneaky grins on their faces. Balthazar frowned with disapproval. “ I don’t trust your intentions,” said Zachariel. Here take her over the west horizon,” . ”She lives in a suburb called Pine Valley there are little to no supes there,” said Balthazar. ”Will I be safe,” asked Michelle nervously. “You’ll be fine. Flying is exhilarating ”said Zachariel smiling with his arm around Michelle taking her over to Ezekiel. Balthazar looked on with slight jealousy. It was the first time I noticed Zachariel show tenderness towards a non-supernatural female. Ezekiel took off his long coat and shirt and let his wings stretched out of his back. Michelle looked on with awe. Ezekiel crouched down. Michelle looked confused on how to get on Ezekiel’s back. “Here put your arm around his neck and the other around his waist,” said Zachariel. “Ok” said Michelle climbing on Ezekiel’s back. ”This is so awkward,” said Ezekiel grimacing. “Yeah, but it is for the best, ”said Zachariel. “Your on,” asked Ezekiel.”Yeah,”said Michelle nervously.” Better hold tight,” said Ezekiel who began to run and then took off with Michelle, gasping a little trying to balance herself on is back.” Don’t drop my girl,”shouted,”Balthazar.”Damn now I know how Batman feels when he’s around superman,” said Balthazar.” No kidding, ”said Brandon.
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