Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Stones Of Words.

Stones Of Words.

by BitterLoveBlackHeart 5 reviews

Gerard and Frank were best friends in their younger years. after being separated for eleven years Frank and Gerard are reunited in terrible circumstances...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2013-02-25 - 2067 words

Lies for the Liars...

Gerard's POV

After mom had finally ended her two hour long phone conversation with her friend Linda, Mikey had to ask the question “Who was that mom?” as if he hadn’t been listening to her entire conversation with Linda from behind the lounge door, she placed the phone back onto the table and smiled at Mikey “It was Linda; her son if coming to stay with us for a while…” she trailed off, Mikey raised an eyebrow “Linda has a son?” he questioned, mom nodded and glanced at me before looking back to Mikey “well I suppose you’d have been too young to remember Frank, he’s the same age as Gerard, the pair of them were inseparable, you remember Frank right Gerard?” she asked looking to me, I sat up in the brown armchair that was positioned by the fireplace and shrugged my shoulders “Vaguely” I muttered, I stood up and walked over to where they were standing “Why is he coming here?” I asked, mom sighed lightly “Well, a few months ago he was attacked, he um, he hasn’t been the same since apparently, Linda has been moving him around to family in California but he hasn’t really improved, Linda called me a few weeks ago asking if he could stay, it’s her last resort, she doesn’t know what to do anymore. She’s hoping coming back to New Jersey will help him recover…” she stumbled over her words slightly, not wanting to reveal details, I simply nodded and my brother turned to me “What’s he like, is he cool?” I rolled my eyes “Mikey the last time I saw him was eleven years ago, how should I know what he’s like now? But he was nice when we were kids I guess, I mean I don’t really remember properly.” Mom placed a hand on Mikey’s shoulder and smiled at us both “now boys, he’s not himself, so Michael don’t judge him, and Gerard, try and remember him how he was, and if possible, help him come back.” She whispered placing a photograph she took from the fireplace into my right hand, I looked at the picture, in it was mom holding a baby Mikey and Linda in the background but at the front of the picture, the subject of the image was a very small 7 year old me with an even smaller Frank, both smiling widely, my arm was wrapped around his shoulders, Frank’s chocolate brown puppy dog eyes filled with happiness. That was the day before they left, we played in the sun all day, the sun burn hurt like hell but it was well worth it, I smiled at the memory, I looked back to my mother who was smiling at me “Now, go to bed the both of you, you’ll be getting up bright and early to clean the house for when Frank and Linda arrive.” She said softly before kissing mine and Mikey’s foreheads in turn and shooing us up the stairs to go to bed.

Frank’s POV

I lay on my bed in my basement bedroom, the dark surrounding me and letting the sounds of Blink-182 fill my ears as it blared out from my stereo, when there was a soft knock at the door that was just audible, I grabbed the remote to the stereo from my bedside table and paused the music, then my mother poked her head around the door and switched the light on, after I’d blinded momentarily by the sudden light flooding my eyes I saw her smile at me weakly “Hi sweetie, do you want something to eat? You haven’t had anything all day…” she asked, concern lacing her voice, I shook my head, she sighed disappointed “Oh, okay….well have you packed everything?” she asked trying to keep any kind of communication going between us, I simply nodded, feeling the defeat she sighed “Okay. Goodnight sweet heart.” She muttered before switching off the light and closing the door again, I lay on my bed in silence, just thinking, no music to distract my mind as normal, I let the thoughts take over my mind, the memories, the mental scars that matched those dotted across my body, the fears taking over my mind, I sighed heavily before letting myself fall into a restless night’s sleep…

I awoke some time later sweating and gasping for air, my hand grabbing at the fabric of the shirt covering my chest as if to remind myself to breathe, I glanced over to the clock on my bedside table, the green LED lights told me it was ‘0:15am’ I sighed, still breathing heavily, I got out of bed and walked toward the bathroom, I trod carefully as the tiles were cold against my bare feet, I gripped the edge of the sink and leant forward against it, before lifting off and looking into the mirror, I turned on the cold tap and splashed some of the refreshing water over my face, hoping to calm my nerves, I looked to the mirror again to inspect the dark circles around my eyes, but the water that was on my face had been replaced, replaced with blood, I shook my head and splashed more water onto my face but when I looked there was only more blood, I stumbled backward into the towel rail and fell to the floor, I looked around the room frantically only to see that it was everywhere, there was so much blood, staining every inch of the room, as the tears began to stream down my face and the haunting memories flooded my mind, I curled up into a ball and prayed that all of this would go away, the echo of my muffled sobs filled the room. When I reluctantly opened my eyes, the blood was gone, replaced by water, I scrambled up from the floor and ran back to my bed, covering my entire body with the sheets like some kind of force field that would protect me from the world, I lay my face into the pillow and let my sobs seep out in silence, fear still sweeping over my body, I can’t take this anymore, I’m going insane, my hands gripped the pillow tightly as I let myself scream into it, muffling the sounds to avoid waking up my mother.

After an hour of convincing myself I was being ridiculous, I lay back down properly, breathing unevenly hoping I’d get some sleep.

this is going to be a long night…


Gerard’s POV

I could hear the crowd screaming my name, their clapping matching the racing beat of my heart as I walked out onto the stage, hundreds of thousands of people standing, jumping, dancing, screaming all here to see me and this band, I turned around to see Bob positioning himself on the drums and Mikey and Ray getting into position behind me, my breathing was uneven as I turned back to the hyperactive crowd, as the adrenaline ran through my body I picked up the microphone from the stand and shouted out to the crowd “NEW JESREY! WE ARE MY-

“GERARD WAKE UP YOU LAZY FUCKER!” my brother shouted, even though he was right beside me, I shook my head and groaned “what time is it?” I questioned, Mikey hesitated before saying “6:30…” I opened my eyes and glared at him “are you seriously waking me up at 6:30 on a Saturday?” I mumbled sleepily, Mikey shrugged “Not my fault, mom wants us up and dressed by 7:00 so we can start cleaning the house ready for Frank and Linda to arrive…” I sighed and threw the sheets off me and sat up on my bed “Fine, but if I get downstairs and there’s not a piping hot mug of coffee, I’ll be thoroughly pissed.” I stated, Mikey nodded and ran back downstairs.
I rolled my eyes and stood up, preparing myself for a long day of hard work.

Frank’s POV

I didn’t really get back to sleep last night, I cried for an hour, then changed from a lying flat to the foetus position then I ended up sitting in the corner with my head on my knees and my arms wrapped around the tops of my shins and rocking back and forth trying to convince myself that nothing happened and that no one will hurt me again and I’m safe.
But I couldn’t kid myself. I know I’m not safe. I’m never safe.
And I’ll never be safe because there are people on this planet.
And people lie. I lied in the past. Everyone lies. You can say that you don’t, and then you’re lying too. Are you seeing the cycle here?
Everyone lies. Which means everyone’s a threat.
It never would have happened if we all told the truth. I wouldn't be here worrying about liars. I’d be perfectly happy with the life I had before the lies, before everything. Everyone lies. It’s part of human nature, you lie to protect yourself, you lie to keep others safe, you lie so you feel accepted by people who are ‘superior’ to you.
It’s a weapon that’s laced into our minds, which we use without even knowing, that can cause so much damage it can drive people insane.

Which is where I fit in.
It was my own fault.
But it was their fault too
Everyone’s a liar.

Even me.

And that’s the worst part.

“Frank honey, it’s time to go...” I hear my mother’s voice pierce through my thoughts, so I pick up my suitcase, my phone, some comics and my iPod for the journey, head toward the front door and see my mom smile weakly at me once again “You ready hun?” she asked, I simply nodded, she sighed and placed a hand on my shoulder but removed it quickly when I flinched violently away from her touch. A heavy sigh left her mouth along with an empathetic “Frankie…” to which I ignored her and carried my bags out to the car.
I didn't want to leave, but at the same time I do. It’s confusing, I want to escape this place that’s been the centre of my nightmares but at the same time I don’t want to leave, and be left with strangers who will lie to me and hurt me even more, in different ways, mentally and physically.

As my mom finished packing the car we hit the road heading toward the airport.
I sat in the back to avoid any eye contact with my mom and just listened to my iPod in silence while looking out of the window at all of the happy people living their lives and thinking about how much I envied them. How naïve they are, thinking that they are always safe. But you’re never safe. No one’s safe. These repetitive thoughts run through my mind all the time, just to make sure I haven’t forgotten or to check I'm not going to open up to anyone. The last time I opened up to anyone was…well I don’t remember.

I knew that this was going to be a long journey and that my iPod was probably going to die when we were on the plane. Part of me envies my iPod. Sometimes I wish I could just die and then someone could just plug me in and I’d magically come back to life, I mean they already did that to me once… I don’t see why people shouldn't be able to die on command and then be brought back a few hours later. But that simply wasn't the case and probably never will be, as much as people talk about how amazing technology will be in the future, I doubt it will even change that much…
Part of me oh so wishes I was back in that hospital bed, unmoving, unresponsive, no one could hurt me there, it was peaceful and safe, while I was dead to the world…it all seems like a long distorted dream now. But the scars tell me it’s real…
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