Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > House At The End Of The Street

Chapter Five

by Hozzie 2 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Horror,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero - Published: 2013-03-04 - 693 words - Complete

Missy squeaked and whirled around. She was greeted by Heather laughing at her "You peed your pants!" Heather giggled.

"How did you get in?" Missy cried, hitting at her but not hard enough to hurt her "You scared the hell outta me!"

"I know I did." Heather grinned "Come on then, let's watch a movie."

Missy sighed and rolled her eyes before shutting the door and going into the living room with Heather.

Neither of them had noticed that beneath the stairs outside, Mia was trying to pull away from Frank who had one arm around her arms and another hand over her mouth, desperately trying to keep her silent. He sighed heavily and started dragging her back towards the house.

Ana left work pretty late that night. As she was leaving the building, a man in a police uniform came towards her "Hey, let me escourt you to your car. You never know what kind of creeps are hanging around at this time of night."

"Oh thank you." Ana grinned, running her fingers through her hair "My name's Ana, I just moved here with my daughter Missy. You are?"

"Officer Bob Bryar. It's greet to meet you."

Ana paused when she got to her car "I wanted to ask you about someone... Do you know Frank Iero?" Bob nodded "Well have you ever had any trouble with him or...? Is there anything I should know about him? Since I live opposite him and my daughter seems to be getting more friendly with him lately."

"I've never had any problem with him." Bob said "He's a good kid. I know the others aren't very nice to him. But honestly, he's never done a thing wrong. He's just an unfortuate, misunderstood guy."

"Oh." Ana said, feeling kind of bad "Thank you by the way. I'll have to invite you over for dinner one time. You can meet Missy."

"I'd like that." Bob smiled.

Ana smiled at him one more time before getting into her car and driving away.

The next day, Missy invited Frank over to have dinner with her and her Mom. She figured that Frank must get pretty lonely staying over the road by himself all the time so she decided he'd be happy to be invited over. He was happy about it and came straight over.

They sat around the table eating a meal that Ana had made and were talking and laughing. Missy wasn't sure how but soon they got onto the topic of Frank's parents "Oh yeah, it was pretty awful." Frank said, swallowing awkwardly "I had to go see a counsellor for a while."

"My Mom had to go see a counsellor when she split up with my Dad." Missy blurted out before biting her lip. Why did she always just say what was on her mind? Why didn't she think first?

Frank looked away awkwardly and Ana stood up to go get another drink "Sorry." Missy said "I just kind of say what's on my mind and don't really think about it..."

Ana came back and sat down as if Missy hadn't said anything about her. Missy sighed "Oh hey Missy, do you wanna come over to my house tomorrow?" Frank asked "We could watch a movie or listen to music or do whatever you want."

"Yeah that sounds cool." Missy smiled.

"I'm sorry but I'm not comfortable with that." Ana said "I don't want you hanging out with Frank when I'm not around."

"But Mom I-"

"No Missy, that's my final say on it!" Ana snapped.

Frank looked uncomfortable "Umm I'll just leave..."

"No, Frank, you don't have to." Missy said quickly but Frank stood up and legged it out the front door.

"I'm sorry." Ana said, not sounding like she meant it.

"Mom, he's nice!" Missy yelled "What's wrong with you?"

"I don't trust him. There's something strange about him."

"His parents were murdered Mom, of course he's not gonna be okay!"

"I don't want you going near him Missy. I don't trust him."

"I'M NOT A BABY ANYMORE!" Missy roared before running to her room, slamming the door and putting really loud music on.
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