Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Story Reviews

My Chemical Romance in a Northern Wonderland

by CatscanFlyy 1 review

Again for Poppana

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2013-03-08 - 188 words

Summery: The boys go on holiday to Finland where Frank tries to make them partake in Finnish traditions.

Good points: I actually really liked this, it was sweet and a little cooky and even though the story line wasn't particularly original or exciting there were lots of little bits that really made this story for me, for example the part about fan fiction really tickled me and the final line was really very funny.I also liked the fact that all band members were included and their relationships with one another felt very natural.

Things to improve on: I don't have much to say for this, the only thing would be to give the reader a wider sense of the place, I'm guessing since you live in Finland you know a lot about the way it looks and the type of architecture there, it would have been nice to see more of that.

How to do this: Just expand each paragraph a little bit more, add details not everyone would notice and try using metaphors and other imagery devices to give your story a soul.

Hope this helped!
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