Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > At the end of the world Or the last thing I See

Chapter 3

by XCherrikidXD 2 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres:  - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!!] [?] - Published: 2013-03-10 - 666 words

Chapter 3:


"Mikey oh my god where have you been?" The 2 shared a friendly embrace which seamed to last forever, Leda Amy Scarlett and Ari stood awkwardly until Mikey broke form the hug and looked at the other younger girls. "Who are these people?"

"Oh ever heard of a band called Written In Blood?" Mikey thought for a moment.

"The name rings a bell" Mikey nodded for his friend to go on.

"Well these are the girls, Ari, Scarlett, Leda and Amy" Gerard pointed to each girl in turn as she said their names.

"Oh hi guys, and answer to your earlier question when me Frank and Ray were searching for food we found another stowaway" Gerard looked confused as did the 4 younger girls stood behind the 2 band mates.

"Follow me" Mikey led the way down the darkened corridors followed by the girls. Gerard had to feel along the walls and make sure he didn’t fall over Scarlett grabbed his black hoddie creating a chain so no one fell and hurt themselves, that was the last thing anyone needed. The group walked in silence until Mikey stopped suddenly

"Jesus Mikey you could've told us we were stopping" Gerard complained.

"We've been staying here for now" Mikey opened the glass door, the room wasn't completely dark and because there were glass windows looking out onto the corridor it provided the group with that little light so they could see their own hands in front of their faces.

"Guys I found 'em" Mikey announced as he entered the room, much like the one Gerard was in but a little larger and with 2 beds instead of 1. Scarlett's mouth dropped open as she entered the room the others (Except for Mikey) followed.

"Oh my Sadie!" Scarlett jumped up and down and ran over to Sadie embracing her in a long hug with Amy and Ari and Leda.

After the long hug was over Scarlett Amy Ari and Leda looked round the room finally realizing that they were in the same room as their idols. Leda and Ari looked like they were going to pass out.

"You 2 alright?" Frank laughed slightly at Ari and Leda's facial expressions.

"Huh" Ari shook herself "Oh god" And started spazing with her band mates, Leda still shocked the guys were talking food. After about 10 minutes the girls were calm and sat chatting like they had know the guys for years.

"So ya bringing girl power to rock eh?" Gee asked lighting up a cigarette.

"Yes and a Scarlett" Sadie laughed when Scarlett hit her arm.

"Hey I have you know that my crazy-ness has nothing to do with our current situation"

"It never dose" Leda said watching Scarlett's expression change as she lunged forward and attacked.

"Hey hey get off!" Leda managed to get out between fits of laughter. Scarlett continued to tickle Leda's squirming form until she was pulled away by Frank and Ray. The occasional sound of giggles could be heard from Scarlett and Leda. Mikey crept forward a look of mock fear on his face.

"Is it safe to come over"

"Indeed it is, the Monster Bunny is in its cadge" Scarlett Amy and Ari smiled at Leda's nickname.

"Monster Bunny?" Ray asked confused.

"Come on, who doesn't like Monster energy drink and bunnies?" Leda threw her hands in the air.

"I like Monster energy!" Gee raised his hand.

"Oh who doesn't know you like Monster?" Ray rolled his eyes at his friends weirdness.

"Any way speaking of food this place has to have some sort of kitchen now we need to find it before we die of starvation" Frank interrupted the convocation about cookies much to Leda's dismay.

"We brought supplies" Leda practically shouted holding up a skelanimals backpack.

"Monster?" Gee asked tilting his head to the side.

"Monster" Leda replied.

"Yeah we have snacks and stuff but there not gonna last long, we need to find some proper food and fast" Ray said. And oh boy was he right.
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