Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The only hope for me is you.

The Ghost Of You

by cj_warner94 1 review

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama,Humor - Characters: Gerard Way - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2013-03-12 - 388 words - Complete

ok I actually cried writing this, my little sister is a genuine person and she really is special needs... Also there will be a surprise at the end of this chapter...

I pulled Sophie up and Party took her and carried her.

"Hey, Christy, is this that singer you always likeded? He was really pretty right?"

I blushed.

"Yes Sophie this is him, do you remember his name?"

She nodded against Party's chest.

"I likes the song where they in the war, you know what one,"

I smiled at the thought of the ghost of you, then Party started singing it. I gasped. Sophie smiled and I held her hand. He took her to an office and I soothed her, tears running down my cheeks as I did so.

"Ok, Sophie, Christy has to go now, but I'll be back, okay I promise, I love you,"

She smiled and held out her arms.

"I love you too sis sis,"

I hugged the girl I'd happily die for and she started singing.

"Never coming home Never coming home"

Party locked the office and took me towards a weaponry. He told me to close my eyes. I did and he lead me towards something. He told me to open then and that's when I laid eyes on the second most beautiful thing I've ever seen.

All black, a good curve with wispy spikes coming off the handle. Every arrow poison dipped. I squealed and hugged Party.

"I love it. I love it. I love it. But, what about when I run out of ammo?"

He showed me the rest of the weaponry, arrows everywhere. I smiled. We'd do this. Easily. I thought about Party, why I had been so pissed when he cheated. What was really important that I told him. I couldn't though.

"Party, can we do this?"

He looked at me and came over to me kissing me softly on the lips. He then kissed my damp cheeks.

"Yes, Hearts, we can,"

I smiled at him then kissed him hard. He ran his tongue over my lip and granted him accesses. His tongue stroked mine. I moaned then pulled his lip with my teeth. I pulled away.

"Party, if I don't live, I'm really sorry because, I'm pregnant,"

the bow and arrow here..
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