Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Pen Pals

Listen To Good Advice

by Sam_Speaks 7 reviews

"Frank's probably just the rich, conceited guy he looks; you're too good for him. Seriously."

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Published: 2013-03-18 - 753 words - Complete

Dear Gerard,

What are you talking about? I'm not hiding anything.

There's nothing for me to hide. You're just being paranoid again. You think I'm watching you when I don't… very much, and you suspect me of hiding something when I don't have anything to hide.

Just trust me, okay?

Trust me when I say that school is more important that some crush that won't last. You've never even talked to this person. Oh, I remember, you want me to talk to him first. You coward. I thought you were better than that.



P.S. ALRIGHT, ALRIGHT. Fine. What do you want me to do?


Dear Anthony,

I knew you'd come around.

Just don't go pushing buttons like that again. I'm not a coward. It's just that I don't even know whether he's straight or not. And how am I supposed to find a chance to walk up to him and say, "Hey, you don't happen to be gay, do you?"

You're smart, you'll figure out a way. Please do it.




Dear Gerard,

There's no way I'm going to ask him that. I'm too busy, I've got homework, and I have too much to do and GERARD DON'T GIVE ME THAT LOOK. I can't, I really can't. YOU do it if you want to find out so badly. It shouldn't be hard, you look intimidating enough. Just approach him in the hallways and grab the front of his shirt with your fist and scowl and say, "So spill, punk."

That would be enough for any student at Belleville High to discharge their deepest secrets. I think so, anyway.

I hope you realize that I am not being at all serious and you should not do what I suggested. It was a joke. For the last time, forget about Frank. You have more important things to worry about.

Best Regards,



Dear Anthony,

Don't worry. I won't do what you suggested. I might get turned on, what with the groping and all. (Kidding. God. It probably killed you to read that.)

You're not being very helpful. Will you at least deliver a message for me? I will find a way to get more info on this guy. I want to talk to him but he's always around all these other stuck-up guys and… well, it's not worth it to go to the trouble.

All I want you to do is find a way to mention my name to him. He'll either know exactly who you're talking about- and most people do- and give you a clue at least as to whether he's homophobic or not, or else he won't know, or he'll ignore you.

But he'd better not ignore you. Please do just this one thing?





Get a grip. When I first started writing to you, I would never have expected that you'd end up begging me for a favor. You're obsessed. You won't listen to good advice. I'm completely against this, Gerard. You've spent a lot of time hinting how badly your grades have been, and I can definitely say that this is not helping them in any way.

And you did say he hangs out with a lot of stuck-up guys, didn't you? Doesn't this imply that your Frank is stuck-up, too?

But I did deliver your little message, just this once. What is it with you and homophobes?

Before class began, I went to sharpen my pencil and made small talk while I was across the room next to him. I did manage to bring up your name.

He gave me a really disgusted look and said, "Yeah, I've heard of him. Did you hear he's a fag? I'd stay away from him, if I were you." And he turned around, shaking his head.



P.S. Gaaaaaaah. Alright. I lied. He didn't really say that. I'm sorry, okay? He didn't do anything at all. He seemed to sort of recognize the name, but he wasn't really interested in talking to me. That's what really happened. Now please just take my advice. Frank's probably just the rich, conceited guy he looks; you're too good for him. Seriously.
You guysss, I had to post it. You all are too nice and talk so sweet and stuff. Ugh the whole story will be over if I keep posting like this. xD

It's almost midnight right now so I'm going to get some sleepy time. 

Love you all c:


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