Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > We're just brothers

I Miss You.

by DigitalGhost 2 reviews

Waycest Fanfiction. Gerard decides to call back Frank.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Crossover,Drama,Romance - Characters: Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2013-03-21 - 473 words

For the wait, refer to the last chapter. :/
Basically a filler chapter, this is pretty much how the original chapter went. (If you haven't seen the updates, I lost the next three chapters and had to re-write.)

Gerard rubbed his eyes sleepily. Wait. Why was he on the floor? His back ached immensely.
He rolled over to see his phone half strewn across the floorboards, he picked it up and remembered the message he received last night.
Gerard found the strength to sit up. He turned the phone on, mentally re-reading the message as it loaded.
When Gerard’s phone finally loaded, he took a quick glance at the time.
His palm slapped to his face as he double-checked the numbers.

Gerard dressed quickly and set himself down on the bed. There was no point trying to sleep again, it would never happen. He stared at Frank’s number for moment. Then, without thinking, he pressed call. He instantly regretted his action, but still, he pressed the receiver to his ear. It rang for a while. Gerard was contemplating hanging up but forced himself to wait. He was sure it was going to go through to voicemail. Moments later, someone answered.
“Hello…?” A raspy voice called from down the line.
“F-Frank…?” the nervousness in Gerard’s voice was clear. “Are you awake?”
“I’m speaking to you aren’t I?” Frank laughed softly. “Gee, it’s like… early…”
“Oh, s-shit. I’m sorry should I call back later?”
Gerard had forgotten that he had woken up early.

“Ah, no Gee, it’s fine…” The younger man’s voice calmed Gerard, the words rang in his ears. Gerard smiled and tried to reassure himself, it was an old friend, what was there to worry about.
There was a long pause. Gerard could hear Frank shuffling around on the other end of the line.
“So…” Gerard finally spoke. “You wanted to talk?”
There was another pause.
“Aw hell Gerard, I’ve… really been missing you. Yeah, we may have e-mailed or texted but that’s nothing on actually hanging out!” Frank’s thoughts spilled down the phone.
“I-I guess you’re right.” Gerard smiled again. “I miss you too…”
“So, I’ll see you Thursday?”
“Wai- What!” Gerard sputtered. “Oh… Frank… I… uh… just…” He struggled to find the words. Frank was immediately intrigued.
“Gerard. What?” Frank sounded excited yet he pressed his question.
There was another silence. “Do you want to tell me?” – “Can you tell me?” Frankie asked again.
More silence.
“Oh, yes, Thursday, I’ll see you then.” Gerard spoke quickly.
“I’ll pick you up from the airport.”
“Wait, Gee, ha-“. Frank was cut off, Gerard ended the call. He slumped against the headboard, his fingers massaging his forehead, he thought about Frank.

Then Mikey.
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