Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Blackwing


by lalatherapist16 0 reviews

I wake up to the sounds of crows and fall asleep to the sound of crows. There's no changing that.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2013-03-22 - 622 words

I heard the cawing of the birds outside my window and sat up, stretching. I heard the movement in the other rooms.

Time to get up, I guess. I flipped my legs out from under the covers and stepped onto the cold wood if the floor. Padding out to the bathroom, the others murmured faint hellos and good mornings.

The shower was short and cold, as always, but it got me moving at double speed and woke me up. I brushed my teeth then headed back to my dorm room.

I opened the door and stepped in, flicking on the light. When I turned to close the door, I saw it.

There was an envelope taped to my door. "Huh?" I pulled it off and shut the door. Sitting down on my unmade bed, I looked at the envelope.

It had my first name on it, but not my last. Who the hell....? I opened the barely sealed flap and took out what was inside.

It was a letter to me, of course. I unfolded it and started to read.

'My dearest Frank,

Finally, after all this time, we are in the same school. My sweet, kind Frank. How I long to touch you.

To run my fingers through your shiny raven hair. And to think, you love behind this door. Sleep behind this door. Dress behind this door....

My sweet, my love, I cannot wait to see you today! But, I want to make a game of it, okay?

Watch for my silver, watch for my bite. Watch for those who scream in fright. Sense my power, feel my love. My angel sent down from above.


"A fangirl?" I asked myself. I shook my head and read the last line again. Well, at least she can write poetry.

I set the note on my bed and got inro my uniform. Once I was ready, I looked at the note. With a sigh, I slipped it into my bag.
What am I going to do when she find me, huh? I sighed again and grabbed my bag, heading out to the path that led to the school.

I spotted Ray further up, so I jogged to catch up with him. "Hey Frank." He smiled down at me.

"Hey Ray. So, I know what we can talk about on the way to school today." I took the note from my bag and handed it to him.

"Sweet, kind Frank?" He snickered. I glared at him.

"Read the rest, dumbass." I growled. He took in a deep breath. I saw his face go serious when he reached the end.

"Well, that's a little stalkerish, don't ya think?" He asked me, handing it back.

"Yeah, a bit." I put the note back in my bag. "And she expects me to find her in all these crazy ass academy students." I sighed. "'Watch for my silver, watch for my bite. Watch for those who scream in fright.' What does that even mean?" I sighed as we reached the front door of the mansion the school was built as.

"Guess you gotta figure that out first huh? She did say she warned to make this a game." We paused on the stairs.

"Guess so." I sighed. We walked in with the others, boys and girls, into the building. And yet, even inside, I hear the cawing if the crows.

Chapter one! You can say this is VEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRYYYYYYY loosely based off of Rosario + Vampire. I'm on season two, and I'm writing it so that.....well, you'll see later!

No more slip ups with letting out vital details to come in later.

And, now, I must eat. So R+R and all that.

Hugs and Tophats,
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