Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Blackwing


by lalatherapist16 0 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2013-03-23 - 668 words

The world of monsters still exists, though the humans know nothing of it. Here at Blackwing Academy, monsters have a safe place to learn and grow. The safety and well being of our students depend totally on our ability to keep our lives as monsters a secret from the rest of the world.

And any human that has the unfortunate luck of discovering our school, our secret, has to die. And any student who is brave enough or stupid enough to reveal the secret will be executed along with the human.

We all heard the little lecture on our first day from the head master about our secret. And, to make sure nobody ever forgot it, he used some kind of magic to engrave it in our memories.

Even after a year and a half, I still remember it, word per word. And the new lot of kids coming in today would forever be traumatized with it.

I sighed and looked out the homeroom window. Below, I could see the rows of freshmen being herded into the gym, wgich had been set up with rows and rows of chairs.

"MR. IERO!" I jumped at my name.

"Yes ma'am?" I gasped, looking at the homeroom teacher, who was glaring at me, her eyes going white.

"Please read the next paragraph to us, Mr. Iero." She said, her voice annoyed.

"Yes ma'am." I stood and lifted my book. I read the paragraph the girl next to me had pointed to for me and sat back down.

"Thank you. Now, let's discuss that para - oh!" We all looked up as footsteps entered the room.

There were three people at the door, a boy, a girl and one of the other teachers. What caught my eye was the boy and girl looked almost exactly alike and were holding hands.

The boy looked straight at me. I was frozen in place the instant his eyes locked on mine. "Class, welcome our new members, Jack and Jessica Coleman."

Ray nudged me from behind. I leaned back in my seat. "Dude, look at their eyes." He breathed in my ear. I looked closely at Jessica's eyes.

They were the color of a brand new quarter. 'Watch for my silver....' I slipped my hand inside my bag and rested the tips of my fingers on the note.

"These two are twin vampires. So, to try to keep tradition, Frank, you'll show Jack around and Natalia, you'll show Jessica. Raise your hands, you two." I sighed and lifted my hand into the air.

The note fell out of my bag and fluttered to the floor. I saw Jack's eyes follow it and the small smile pull at his soft pink lips.

He pulled Jessica by the hand a bit and nodded. Her eyes found the note and she smiled as well, her deep red lips curving at the corners, showing her longer canines.

I bent to pick up the note quickly and put it back in my bag. When I sat up, Jack stood over me. "Hi." He said softly.

"Hi." I felt my face get hot. "So I'll be showing you around campus and then we'll find your dorm room after classes." He smiled and took the desk to my right.

"Okay." He said in his soft voice. I bit my lip.

"Oh, you might want to warm your sister about Natalia. She's a succubus that goes both ways." I whispered to him.

He laughed quietly and covered his mouth. Class ended not too long after that. Jack was right beside me as we walked to art class.

I bit my lip as his hand brushed mine. It was warm and soft.

Outside the window, crows flew past in a huge blur of black. A feather blew into the window, landing on my shoulder.

Woooooooo chapter two!!!! It's a little late and I really have to pee. So R+R and all that.

Oh goddess bout to piss my pants!

Hugs and Burittos,
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