Categories > Original > Humor > Diary Of A Teenage Fangirl.
Diary Of A Teenage Fangirl.
(#) Poppana 2013-03-23
So let me just get this straight; a band that isn't active anymore isn't worth listening to? Wow, then all those people who like bands like the Beatles are just really messed up, aren't they? Sense the sarcasm. I don't agree with you on that, sorry. I'm not hating, I just really don't understand your logic here. Not trying to be Bitchy McBitcherson.Diary Of A Teenage Fangirl.
(#) beatus_quinn 2013-03-23
We're not saying they'll come back. We are not stupid people.
And you can love a band that's over, okay? I love the Beatles. Half of them are dead.
MCR can still save lives. Don't say that our action, us loving them, is useless and pointless.
My grandfather has been dead for twenty two years, but my grandmother still loves him with everything she has. Does the fact that he's dead make it no use?
I understand that you need to move on but I think you're confusing the moving on and the eventual forgetting.Diary Of A Teenage Fangirl.
(#) franksfurter 2013-03-23
nods along with both comments You basically said something, and then went back on what you said. Don't contradict yourself, if you don't like them as much that's fine, but there's no logic behind it seeing as it's because they're inactive, what... were you the same about FOB? Come on man.Diary Of A Teenage Fangirl.
(#) upinflames 2013-03-23
honestly, not giving a shit isn't growing up. a lot of adults don't understand that. if you say "i don't care" then whatever you say does not matter. cos you don't care. i don't hate you. i just don't think you understand what that band used to mean for some people. and leaving your opinion with an "i don't care"? sloppy. you don't understand. it's not about you. it's about everyone else. there are kids out there who only had this fucking band and they are in pain right now, you are not fucking try and think of others instead of saying "it's time to move on, grow up" like it doesn't mean anything anymore. it fucking did. the music and the words mean something to me.
p.s. - yeah the people who just read what you just wrote are a little pissed. care to think about why that might be?Diary Of A Teenage Fangirl.
(#) upinflames 2013-03-23
no i think i understood you just fine.
you need to try again at sorting out your shit. it still makes fuck-all sense.
azureDiary Of A Teenage Fangirl.
(#) Sam41 2013-03-23
I will fight you tooth and nail to prove that you're dead wrong.
MCR isn't around, but does that mean you should stop liking them?!
Breaking Benjamin isn't around, Aaron and Mark got fired, Chad went to a new band and Ben is in the hopsital(probably out now but still)
Their not making any music after Shallow Bay/the Blow Me Away incedent.
Does that mean I should say "fuck that shit" and stop drawing their logo everywhere? Stop my hunt for their merch? Delete/throw away all of
their albums?
NO! They've done so much for me(kinda got me and my mom closer, because we both like 'em)
Neither should you! Think about it, what did MCR do for you over the years? What would happen if you didn't listen to them?
I bet half of that shit they did for you is something you can't replace....Diary Of A Teenage Fangirl.
(#) SyraStrange 2013-03-23
Hey, hey, hold on guys.
Let's stop before this turns into a shitstorm, okay?
Sometimes people's ways of coping imminent in different ways. I do understand that if it didn't affect you as much, you should keep your opinions to yourself. Please, for the sake of those who were really affected. Telling them to move on and forget isn't a good thing to do right now.
I know maybe that's not what you meant, but it was implied. And this sass is unnecessary, if you have grown up.
-SDiary Of A Teenage Fangirl.
(#) BeccaIsNotOnFire 2013-03-23
I'm never going to stop listening to Queen despite Freddy Mercury being dead because I love their music.
I'm not going to stop listening to Joy Division just because Ian Curtis died because I love their music
I'm not going to stop listening to The Smiths because Morrisey decided to make it on his own because I love their songs.
I'm not going to stop listening to the Beatles because the broke up and John Lennon was shot because I loved everything they did.
These artist are gone but that doesn't change the fact that their music meant so much to me.
The same goes for My Chemical RomanceDiary Of A Teenage Fangirl.
(#) cj_warner94 2013-03-23
MCR where the only band I really loved. I woke up and cried. I sobbed my heart out. And you say you are a dedicated fan to them, then drop them like they're shit as soon as they break up. I'm sorry but that's not a fan, that's a girl that thinks Gerard is hot. My Chemical Romance personally have done so fucking much for me since 2001. When I'm pissed off I listen to them, when I'm sad I listen to them, when I'm happy I listen to them. I wanted The End! Played at my funeral. I wanted the only hope for me is you, to be my wedding dance. I fucking love them. That's why it hurts so much when someone that meant to be a fan drops them like you have, I'm sorry but that's not grown up. That is stupid. You didn't drop fall out boy, no one expected them to get back together but they did, so MCR might. I don't hate you for it. I'm just pissed off.
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