Categories > Original > Humor > Rain


by timeywimey27 2 reviews

Story I'm currently writing, I would love to hear your opinion on it.

Category: Humor - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama,Humor - Published: 2013-03-28 - Updated: 2013-03-29 - 308 words


It was raining outside. Not full on Noah-And-The-Arc storm, but the kind of rain that makes the annoying pitter-pattering noise that you can’t seem to ignore.
I never minded the rain itself; in fact I welcomed it. With the constant humidity and unnecessarily high temperatures, a bit of rain was most certainly appreciated.
Jesus, I must be coming off boring as hell. Talking about the weather, when there are a million more things that interest people than the current state of the outdoors.
Whatever. So, back to interesting stuff. I’ll introduce myself to you lovely ladies and gents, or whatever, that have decided to actually pay attention to what I have to say.

My name is Frank, but I swear to God, if you call me Frankie, you will come home and find me hiding under your bed. I’m 17, and so close to 18. Well, about 6 months.
I like… stuff. Wow, smooth. Ok, I’ll elaborate on that one. I like music, art and horror movies. I seriously hate spiders, ordering food, school (wow, so original) speaking on the phone, and flying. Although, I do love hanging around in airports.
Airports are honestly one of my favourite places to just hang around. It’s just the getting-in-the-plane-and-flying-part that I can’t stand. Go figure. I think that’s it. Good, now you introduce yourself

Ok, great to meet you. I bet you didn’t see that coming. How many people get asked by a book about themselves? I consider myself to be a friendly person; it’s just hard for me to get over the nerves of meeting and talking to new people.
So now the awkward introductions are over with, I’ll start telling my story.

Ok, that's the prologue, I'd love to hear your opinion and if you'd like to hear more. xomikey
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