Categories > Original > Humor > ONESHOT TRADE.

Oneshot for Ash (HatedEyes)

by MCR-99 5 reviews

Pairing: It will be Sash. I know how to make it a Sash.

Category: Humor - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Published: 2013-03-31 - 963 words

Oneshot for Ash (HatedEyes)
Pairing: Sash.

I began to dress, ready for the party tonight. I had just done my hair, my short hair, and had a shower as well. To be honest, I didn't want to go, but Pete was one of my best friends, and I couldn't turn him down. No matter how hard I try, he always manipulates me into stuff, with this look he does, his puppy dog eyes. I can't resist the puppy dog eyes, and when I do, he takes it to a new level of puppy dog.

After I chose my clothes for the party, skinny jeans, black top, converse, the usual, I collected my purse, and left the room. I then remembered my key accessory, eyeliner. One cannot leave the house, without eyeliner. I dashed back to my room and carefully applied it, then left again. I made my way to the car, a small, two door car. It was the only one I could actually afford, with my job. I slid into the driver's side, and started the car. It spluttered to life, it was clearly dying.

"Aw.. C'mon, girl." I soothe my car, rubbing my hand along the dashboard. Complain all you want, but I think cars need a little love at times. Soon enough, the car runs easily, and I make my way down the road. I got a little lost, but got to Pete's gigantic mansion in the end. I wasn't kidding, the place was huge. It had valet parking as well, I thought you only got that at resturants. Guess not.

I made my way inside, and realised how many people were here. Wow. There were a lot of people here. To be honest, I should've known this many people were gonna be coming to this party, I mean, It's Pete fucking Wentz for christ's sake. I then went into wallflower mode.

Now, if you've been living under a fucking rock for your life, you'd know that I was a wallflower. I see, I understand, but I don't say anything. I'm selectively mute, just how I like it.

I find a nice spot by the wall, where I take up a position. I look at all the people who were actually enjoying themselves. You had dancers, strippers, Gabe Saporta licking vodka off the fucking counter, and gay dry-humpers. Well, just Alex Gaskarth and Jack Barakat were dry humping eachother, which I found very funny, considering that is all they ever do. I then saw a flock of blonde hair, and immediatly knew who it was. Alex. My ex-boyfriend, of all people, was here. He walked up to me, with a smile.

"Hey, Ash." He greeted, standing next to me in the same position. "What you doing here?"

What the fuck did it look like I was doing here? Was he fucking blind or something?

"Ash?" He noticed my absence in this conversation. "You okay?"

I ignored him again. Did it look like I was okay? I was with the guy who fucking turned me down, when I loved him.

"Look, I'm sorry about what happened between us, alright?"

I wish I had brought headphones with me, they would be of real use right now.

Alex soon left me alone, but he was back soon enough, with drinks.

"I got you some vodka." He offered me a glass, and I took it roughly, sipping it down quickly and passing the glass back to him. He then left again. I noticed him talking to someone, a girl. Maybe his girlfriend or something, but what was she doing with a guy like him? Well, she did look quite good-looking, wasn't gonna lie there. I saw Alex point over to me, and the girl walked over. Great, looks like Alex had sent someone to make me talk, well it wasn't gonna work.

"Hey," The girl began, getting into a position like me. "I'm Sam."

Sam. Cool name.

"Ash." I finally spoke. Crap.

"Cool name, like Ashley or something."

"No, I just like Pokemon." I say, finally talking again. It was true, I liked Pokemon. Judge all you want, but it's a great show. My favourite character was Ash Ketchum, which was how I got my name.

"Cool. What team you in?" Okay, this chick loved Pokemon, she was immediatly awesome.

"Rocket. Best team, in my opinion."

"I'll agree with you there." She nodded, slouching against the wall.

Okay, so she liked Pokemon. She was seriously cool.

"So, you know Alex?" I asked, pointing over to him, who was talking to Pete.

"Yeah. He's my brother."

They're related? Well, there goes that option.

"You know him?" Sam asked.

Did I know Alex? Well, he was the guy who broke my heart, and he had these friends who played the meanest trick on me. Yeah, I knew him.

"Yeah, I know that annoying prick." I instantly regretted that, wishing I hadn't called the coolest, and hottest, girl ever's brother an annoying prick. Sam began to laugh.

"I agree, Alex is seriously annoying."

Throught the night, I got to know Sam. She was just like me, she wasn't straight. Two lesbians. I began, I don't know, falling in love with her. I wasn't sure if it was the drink or something.

"Ash, I really like you." Sam blurted out.

"Same." I smile, knowing it wasn't the drink. "Wanna, you know, date?"

"Okay then." She smiled, resting her head on my shoulder as we walked to my car.

I guess, being a wallflower did have some perks.

Did you like that Ash? I tried to get it how you wanted it, and I made it just like my oneshot, with Gabe, Alex Gaskarth and Jack Barakat. They always make the parties enjoyable.

So, was that good?

xx Sadie
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