Categories > Original > Humor > ONESHOT TRADE.

Seven Minutes In Heaven (Oneshot For Jazzy)

by MCR-99 2 reviews

Pairing: Frasmine.

Category: Humor - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor,Romance - Published: 2013-04-01 - 733 words

Seven Minutes In Heaven (Oneshot For Jazzy)
Pairing: Frasmine.

"Okay, Jaz." Sadie giggled, shuffling up the top hat in her hands as we all sat on her bedroom floor. "Pick a colour from the hat."

I rolled my eyes, I couldn't believe she'd dragged us all into this game. Here we were, eight sixteen to seventeen years olds, four boys and four girls, playing Seven Minutes In Heaven, in Sadie's pretty adequate bedroom, which was plastered with posters and the floor was covered in popcorn, from the movie we had just watched. Sat around me were my best friends, and the crazy kids who put a smile on my face everyday. To my left sat Becca, next to her was her male companion for the evening, Dan. On my right was Kellin, who had agreed to be Sadie's male companion, then across from me was Frankie, who I hoped I got, and then we had Liz and Axel.Everyone else had already been, all that was left was me. I reached my hand in, rummaging around at the colours, before pulling out the colour black, and having it snatched from my hands from Sadie, who held it up high and announced it to the rest of the group.

"It's black! Who got black?!" Sadie said in a proud, soldier like voice. I looked around the room, thinking about who it colud possibly be. Then, Frankie rose from his spot.

"I got black." He said, and then Sadie dragged us both over to her bedroom closet, opening the door and shoving us in, closing the door behind her with a few giggles, not before we heard her say "Have fun!"


I sat on one of the bean bag chairs in the medium sized closet, fidgeting. What now? I had no idea how we fucking played this game, all I knew was the picking part. Frankie then flopped down in the chair next to me.

"So..." He mumbled, fidling with his hands. "What do we do now?"

"No idea." I say, well sigh. "Never played this game before."

"Me neither, I just joined in cuz you asked me to."

He joined because I asked if he could? What?

"What do you mean, Frankie?" I ask, looking at him through the dim light.

"I mean, I did a favour for ya." He went back to his usual, goofy self, the side of Frankie I liked.

"Favour." I understood what he mean't, then I saw a smile flash across Frankie's face.

"But, you gotta do a favour for me, in return."

"What?" I ask, sitting up. What, possibly, could Frank Iero want as a favour.

"Kiss me." He came out with it.

"Huh?" Frank, of all people, wanted me to kiss him? For real?

"Didn't you hear me? I know you like me Jaz, why would you ask me to play Seven Minutes In Heaven if you didn't like me? Like, like-like me."

"Thought you didn't know how to play this game?" I stared at him with a smirk.

"That doesn't mean, I don't know what happens during it." He smirked back, he was truly playing with me, wasn't he?

"Touche, my friend." I awarded him kudos for that.

"So, you gonna kiss me or not? You know how Sadie is, about this part of the game." I knew how she was, we all were.

"Fine." I admit the defeat of this verbal battle, and we kissed. Fuck, it felt good. Really good.

We pulled away from eachother after a while, both dazed, yet smiling widely.

"Amazed huh?" Frankie managed to speak first, leaving me with wierd, non-understandable mumbles.

"Um.. Ah.. Yeah.." Was all I got out, then I quickly regained talking action again. "Yeah, it was good."

"I knew you wanted to kiss me." He smiled.

"How?" I ask, before the door suddenly opens and Sadie pops into view.

"Time's up guys!" And that is when I knew. Sadie had spilled the beans, on my crush on Frankie. Well, guess it wasn't a crush now, as, despite everyone looking at us, Frankie kissed me again.

"So.." He smiled. "Guess we're, like, dating now, huh?"

"Um.. Uh.. Yeah." I mumbled again, making Frankie adorably giggle as we walked from the closet, hand in hand.

Oh, this sounds so fucking shit, doesn't it? It does..
Oh well. I tried.

R&R. Did you like this Jazzy?

xo Sadie
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