Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > House At The End Of The Street

Chapter Eight

by Hozzie 2 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Drama,Horror - Characters: Frank Iero - Published: 2013-04-01 - 1152 words - Complete

[A/N] - The reason for me not updating for the past couple of days is because my Mom gave me Season 7 of Supernatural on Friday so I have kind of been obsessively watching so that I could catch up with everybody else haha :') Where did all my reviewers go by the way? D: I miss you all tonight!

Missy pulled up outside Frank's house just in time to see Ray's asshole of a friend throw a toilet roll that was set on fire through the window. It smashed and set fire to the curtains "You dick!" Missy yelled, jumping out of Frank's car. Ray's friend just laughed and drove with a bunch of other guys who were all laughing too.

Missy groaned, wondering how she could've ever liked Ray, and ran into the house. She didn't even think about it. She sprinted into the kitchen and quickly put out the curtains then took them over to the sink so she could run them under the tap. Something caught her eye once she'd turned the tap off. It was in the bin. Maybe she'd read it wrong? She pulled it out the bin and looked at what was in her hand. An empty box of tampons. Did Frank have a secret girlfriend he hadn't told her about? Was that why he'd freaked out the other night?

Missy's mobile phone buzzed in her pocket and she pulled it out. It was her Mom "Missy, where are you?" Ana snapped.

"I'm at home." Missy lied.

"You're with Frank, aren't you?"

"No, I'm not!"

"Look, Ray's just been put into hospital. His leg is badly broken. Frank was involved."

"It was self-defence Mom."

"I want you home right now."

"I am home. You don't believe me, call the house phone."

"Fine I will!" Ana cried. Missy hung up the phone and waited.

Her mobile buzzed a couple of seconds later and Missy answered "Believe me now? I'll see you later." Then she hung up the phone.

She looked back into the bin and saw a box of contact lenses. But before she could investigate any further, she heard a thumping noise downstairs. And another. And another. It was an ongoing steady beat. Missy looked around. Had Frank come home early? Maybe he wouldn't want her there in his house. But she was just so nosy... She had to take a look.

She opened the door to the basement and crept down it. She looked around the tiny basement. The noise was clearly a lot louder now and she could see why. The washing machine was whirling around and around with a pair of trainers inside. Missy smiled then started laughing. Had she really got into such a state over a pair of trainers? As she was laughing, she noticed something. There was a rug in the middle of the room and just on the edge of the rug there was a lock. Missy glanced back up the stairs, knowing she should go back. However, she'd never been able to resist an adventure.

So she walked to the rug, pulled it back and unlocked the trapdoor. Slowly, she crept down further into the ground. Missy found herself standing in a corridor with a grey door standing at the end of it. What was behind the door? Missy just had to find out. She felt for Franks keys in her pocket and pulled them out. The one that looked the oldest was probably the one for the door. She felt a little bit guilty for snooping around Frank's house but curiousity got the better of her and she crept over to the door and put the key inside the lock. Then turned it. The door opened.

She took a step inside. Was this where they kept Mia when she had brain damage? There was one small bed, a baby monitor, a small lamp with a bright light bulb and a puzzle. It was a little girls puzzle because one of the discarded pieces had a unicorn on it. Missy looked around the room then shrieked when she turned around. A girl with curly black hair threw herself at her. She was trying to scream but there was a cloth in her mouth and tied securely around the back of her head. She was panicking and trying to claw at Missy's face "Stop it, you're scaring her!" It was Frank who ran into the room and grabbed hold of the girl "Get out of here!" He yelled at Missy "Go upstairs, I'll explain then but you're scaring her! Mia, Mia, you need to calm down!"

Mia was pointing at something behind Missy. She turned around and found herself looking at a blue tee-shirt that said 'State University' hanging on the back of a chair. Missy didn't see why it was important and quickly ran upstairs, her cheeks flushing bright red. What had just happened? Mia was still alive? What was she doing in Frank's basement? Missy needed a minute to think.

She went into the kitchen and took a glass then filled it with water. She took a sip and then found herself looking at the empty box of tampons. That was it. She pulled the rubbish bag out of the bin and started searching through it. The empty box of a tampons. An empty nail varnish. Black hair dye. The contact lenses box... They weren't just clear contact lenses. They were blue contact lenses. Missy's eyes widened. No... Surely not...

"Mia was so beautiful. And her eyes were so blue."

That was when Missy noticed a little pink wallet on the counter. She picked it up and flicked it open. There was a driving licence for a girl called Anabella Skye Weston. It was the girl she'd seen downstairs, only in this photo her hair was light blue. It all became clear to Missy. She pulled her phone out of her pocket, ready to call her Mom "You can't tell anyone about Mia." A voice said from behind her "You need to promise."

Missy whirled around. It was Frank. He looked so different and Missy was scared. She thought he was just upset about his parents death and his little sister disappearing. She thought... She'd hoped she'd be able to get through to him. Why hadn't she just listened to her Mom "I promise." Missy swallowed, taking a step towards the door "I need to go, my Mom just called."

She walked towards the door 'Just a few more steps...' She told herself 'Just a few more and you'll be home, safe and then you'll-'

Before she could even finish her sentence in her head, Frank grabbed the back of her head and smashed it against the door frame. Missy crashed to the floor, her mobile leaving her hand and slipping beneath the counter. Frank picked up her lifeless boy and started carrying her downstairs.
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