Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > House At The End Of The Street

Chapter Nine

by Hozzie 1 review

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Horror - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero - Published: 2013-04-04 - 1210 words - Complete

"I want that animal locked up for what he did." Ray's Mother hissed to Bob.

"Listen ma'am, I've been told that Frank was just fighting back." Bob replied smoothly "Ray and his friends have been harrassing that poor kid for months. And if I find out that Ray was the one who started the attacks, he is the one that will go to court for what he did."

"Why are you always defending that animal?" Ray's Mom roared.

"That 'animals' name is Frank." Bob said threatingly.

"He's an animal!" Ray's Mom yelled.

"Walk away! Walk away." Bob cried as Ray's Dad dragged his wife away. He groaned and walked back over to Ana "Hey, are you okay?"

"I just got off the phone with Missy." Ana said "She says she's at home and I phoned the house phone to double check but I just... I have a bad feeling."

"Tell you what, I'm about to go over to Frank's house to find out what happened with Ray. I'll go over to your place and see if Missy's okay, alright?"

"Thank you so much." Ana smiled.

"You're most welcome." Bob grinned and walked out of the hospital.

Missy woke up about twenty minutes later. She was back in the basement. Anabella was lying back on the bed, completely knocked out. Missy tried to move but then found that her wrists were tied to the arms of the chair and her legs were tied together. At that moment, Frank came into the room "Frank, let me go!" Missy cried "What's going on?"

"Mia died that day on the swings." Frank suddenly spat out "It was my fault. I grabbed her hand and accidentally pulled her back. She died. It was so sudden. I didn't even know she was dead. There was just this horrible crunching noise... She looked okay but her eyes. Oh, her eyes! It was like she wasn't there anymore. She was just so little." Frank paused "My parents constantly reminded me that it was my fault. They would punish me. But I stopped them."

"You stopped them? What do you mean you stopped them?" Missy was so confused "Frank, if Mia died then who killed your parents?"

"I can't live without Mia." Frank whispered.

"You can!" Missy told him, her eyes filling with tears "You've got me now. You can move on from all of this."

"I can't have you and Mia. I don't deserve you both." Frank looked up "But... If you're Mia..."

Missy started crying "No Frank, no!" Frank went over to the bed and lifted up Anabella "Frank, what are you doing? Don't hurt her! Please don't hurt her!"

Frank ignored her and carried on dragging her away. He was gone for maybe twenty minutes while Missy tried to pull of the rope that was restraining her to the chair. While all this was going on, Ana was still worrying about Missy and wanted to double check that she was okay. She hadn't been one hundred percent convinced by Missy's phone call so she tried phoning the home phone again.

The call forward to Missy's cell phone. Frank couldn't hear it ringing because he was in the car, reversing it into the garage. Missy couldn't hear it ringing because she was tied up in the basement. So nobody answered it. The phone went to voicemail "Hi, this is Missy's cell, please leave me a message."

Ana's eyes widened. She double checked her phone. No, she hadn't called Missy's cell. She'd definitely called the house phone. Ana shook her head in disbelief. How could Missy have lied to her like that? Ana took a shaky breath and phoned up Bob "Hello?"

"Bob, I can't get in touch with Missy. She's not at home. She's been forwarding my calls to her cell. I think she's with Frank. Could you get her to go home please?"

"Of course. Don't worry about it Ana."

"Thank you." Ana hung up the phone, not completely convinced. She had to go and check on Missy herself.

Frank came back into the basement and Missy stopped struggling "Frank, what happened?" She asked in a panicky voice "What did you do with her?" Frank ignored her "Frank... What happened to Mia. It wasn't your fault. You were so young." If she could keep him here then maybe she could talk him into letting her go.

"Yes it was." Frank whispered "That's why they punished me."

"What do you mean they punished you?"

"But I stopped them."

"Frank, what do you mean? Please tell me. I can keep your secrets I swear."

Suddenly a voice and three bangs were heard through the baby monitor. It was Bob "Frank? It's the police. Could you open the door please?"

"Help!" Missy shrieked "Help me, please, I'm in the basement!"

"Frank!" Bob called again.

Frank pulled a handkerchief out of the drawer and knotted it around Missy's head so that her screams were muffled. And then he made his way upstairs, leaving Missy to struggle alone.

He pulled the door open and saw Bob standing there in his uniform. Why couldn't he just leave him alone? Frank ran his fingers through his hair. He just wanted to make things right. He'd spent so long blaming himself. Why wouldn't they let him make things okay?

"Hello Officer." Frank said, trying not to show that he was nervous.

"Hi Frank, do you mind if I come in?" Frank moved out of the way and Bob let himself inside "Your windows broken?"

"Just some neighbourhood kids, nothing I can't handle." Frank replied, shrugging his shoulders.

"Yes, I hear they've been harrassing you. I saw Ray down at the hospital. That was a pretty nasty break." Bob cocked his head to one side "Wanna tell me about that?"

"Look, I was just defending myself." Frank told him.

Bob paused then nodded his head "Alright, I need you to come down to the station tomorrow, okay? And then you can fill out a statement for me and we can get all this sorted out. If you're telling the truth then you have nothing to worry about." Bob smiled "Goodnight Frank." As he was about to leave, he remembered "Oh yes. Have you seen Missy around?"

Frank was silent for a moment before saying "Not since the battle of the bands. Why?"

"Well she's not at home and her Mother is understandably worried. So you haven't seen her?"

"No Sir." Frank smiled "I wouldn't lie to you."

Bob nodded, not entirely believing him "Okay then. I'll see you tomorrow Frank."

"Yes, okay. I'll show you out."

Bob left the house and Frank shut the door behind him, breathing out, relieved that he was finally leaving. He went into the living room, trying to decide what to do with Missy now that she was Mia. Bob pulled his mobile phone out of his pocket, still not entirely sure that Frank had been telling the truth. He looked at the contact 'Ana Home' and then pressed call. He put the phone to his ear to make sure it was calling. Then he heard it. Missy's cell phone ringing inside the house.

Frank heard it too and realised that Bob knew. Bob knew Missy was inside the house.
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