Categories > Original > Humor > Romeo And Juliet Rewrites

The Wedding

by atomickilljoy 3 reviews

This one is short.

Category: Humor - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2013-04-05 - 237 words - Complete

Act II, Scene 6

(Enter Priest Beatrice, JayQuan's cousin, and a disappointed JayQuan).

JayQuan: So, we really couldn't get LeVar Burton to marry us.

(Beatrice shuffles around nervously).

Beatrice: Yeah, you can say that... But let's be happy. I'm honored to marry a couple like yourselves. Let's hope nothing bad happens to destroy it.

JayQuan: Wait...ain't you 16? How is you a Priest?

Beatrice: I got connections, yo.

JayQuan: THAT'S MY CUZ! (He hugs Beatrice.) But for realz, the love I feel for this gurl be powerful. When I look at her, I be happy. I feel like I could YOLO all day. So, no matter what, I be happy with her.

Beatrice: Whatever. Your joy can soon end. Abruptly. Possibly by death.

JayQuan: You be cray-cray.

(Ashley enters the room and embraces JayQuan).

Beatrice: Don't make me get the hose!

(Ashley quickly pulls away).

Ashley: Yo, what's up, Beatrice? Why are you a Priest? Aren't you only 16?

Beatrice: That's just how I do.

JayQuan: Yo, I can't wait til' we is married. What do you expect?

Ashley: I expect sneakers and snapbacks. And happiness and love.

(Beatrice hums the tune of "Golddigger" by Kanye West, until stopped by JayQuan).

JayQuan: That's just how we roll.

Beatrice: So, let's be getting this over with. We gotta roll quick. And I will not leave you two alone together until marriage, you sex polluted monsters.

(They all exit).

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