Categories > Original > Humor > Diary Of A Teenage Fangirl.
Diary Of A Teenage Fangirl.
(#) Poppana 2013-04-06
It is spelled 'draugr', and I like the Whiterun house. Honeybreeze? Or was that in Riften? Whatever, the Solitude house I hate, it's so annoyingly big and I can never remember where I left my shit. I have a house in Riften, and I'm in the process of building a new one in Falkreath, but it's a bit expensive and I tend to waste all my gold on useless crap.
Fun fact, I've been writing a lot of Skyrim fics lately. Don't judge me because I fail at life.Author's response
The Whiterun house is Breezehome. Cool, I wanna read the Skyrim fics! I won't judge you.Diary Of A Teenage Fangirl.
(#) BeccaIsNotOnFire 2013-04-06
Maybe the party didn't work because you're basically using an idea that belongs to AJ. No offense Sadie but at AJ's last party she wanted to try and relax before going back to school and then you just went off and tried to have your own. It's not really fair on her Sadie. I get it you like the idea of having a party but I don't think you should anymore because it might hurt AJ a bit. She has these parties to bring the people of Ficwad together and you having a separate party is not helping in that. Not trying to be a bitch, just speaking the truth.
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