Categories > Cartoons > Class of the Titans > Not So Irrational


by princessofoyownworld 5 reviews

Archie has an ever familler nightmare. We learn a few things about his past. Be happy I updated sooner than I thought I would!

Category: Class of the Titans - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure, Drama, Romance - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2006-08-01 - Updated: 2006-08-01 - 1361 words

I DO NOT OWN CLASS OF THE TITANS! I DO OWN ANNABELLE AND TOM THOUGH!!! I don't really like this chapter and hope that Archie is not out of character, but I tried to make him sound younger.


Ten-year-old Archie caught up to his dad. "Dad can we go out on the boat now! Please!" he said enthusiastically.

Archie's dad had the same hair as Archie, same red and same mullet with they annoying cowlick. Archie's hair was slightly thicker and was still red he had not dyed it yet. His dad had bright green eyes, but was just as thin and lanky as Archie would become. He was wearing dark green swim trunks and a white tee shirt, and an orange life jacket.

Archie's mom had bright red hair as well. It was from her side of the family that Archie had gotten his Achilles ancestry from. She was in a blue swimsuit with green tropical flowers.

"Come on Annabelle get in the boat!" Archie's dad called to Archie's mom as he helped Archie into the boat.

"Just a moment Tom!" Annabelle called as she grabbed the picnic basket. "Are you sure you want to let Archie drive? That seems so rash." She said as she climbed into the boat.

"He is a fine young man of ten now Annabelle, have some faith." Tom said.

'Its not his driving I am worried about, its your supervision.' Annabelle thought to herself. Both of her parents had scolded her for marrying Tom, they thought she could do so much better. As a result they made sure Archie spent a lot of time with them.

"Lets go already!" An impatient Archie said.
"One moment, Archie darling come here." Annabelle said calmly. Archie walked over to his mother. Annabelle knelt down in front of her son. She took off the orange life jacket that her son was wearing.

"Arms out." Annabelle instructed her son. Archie groaned.

"Mom I had it on right before!" He complained.

"You can never be sure. And your not the greatest swimmer." Annabelle said. Truth was she did not know what she would do if she lost her only son, her only child. Annabelle proceeded to put the orange lifejacket back on her son. Only after double-checking every buckle was done up, every zipper was zipped and every strap was tightened as far as it would go.

"Can we go now!" Archie complained.

"Yes." Annabelle said with a smile. Archie jumped into the air in joy. Archie's dad, Tom, got them out on to the water. They were about a hundred feet from the shore when Archie was allowed to take the wheel. His dad was of course standing right next to him to help out should the need arise.

Archie was exhilarated, he was not old enough to work the gas as well yet but he was happy to be steering. He was spinning in circles and racing other boats, weather or not they other boats knew it or not. Archie would not have traded this moment for the world.

Something caught Archie's eye. He found himself watching the thing from the corner of his eye; he was not quite sure what it was. He felt the boat begin to spin out of control.

"Woo their son, keep your hands on the wheel and your brain on the task at hand, no need to be watching the pretty girls." Tom said sharply.

"Just a minute." Archie said distractedly as he let go of the wheel, his dad took the wheel for a minuet. Archie wanted to get a closer look at the so-called girl he had been staring at.

Archie leaned over the side of the boat, looking for the girl he had been watching. She was swimming with great grace and ease, it looked like she had grown up in the water, something Archie could never accomplish. The strangest thing that Archie could remember about her was that she appeared to be about nine, most girls that Archie's friends were watching were older than them, often much older.

She had dirty blonde hair that looked like it would fall to about her jaw line, she had it pulled back and up in a ponytail. Her ears were pierced and her eyes were hazel. Archie had never seen her run but he was sure she would be exceptionally fast. And by the looks of things when she got older would be an amazing hunter. He could tell this from her ability to find the two boys who looked to be her brothers in there game of Marco Polo.
"You ready to take the wheel again son?" Tom asked.

"Archie, step away from the edge of the boat please." Annabelle called.

"Yes Mom, Sure Dad." Archie said happily. Archie walked over and took the wheel from his dad. As he began to weave in and out of the water buoys he noticed the girls brothers go to shore to have what appeared to be lunch.

"Ok, Archie take a break from steering and come have a bite to eat." Annabelle called. Archie reluctantly followed her order and gave the wheel to his dad who had just finished eating. Archie found himself relishing the peanut butter and jam sandwich his mom had made him. He had not relished how hungry he really was.

Annabelle fell asleep on the boat, on one of the boats benches. "So son what do you say we take a dip in the water." Tom said cheerfully as he brought the boat in to about 20 feet from shore. The water did not drop off for quite a ways on this part of the beach. From where they were stopped it would be up to about Archie's shoulders.

"Sweet!" Archie said enthusiastically. His dad stopped the boat and flicked a switch on the steering wheel so that it would stay put. After doing this he jumped into the water, closely followed by Archie.

Archie doggie paddled around, he had never taken swimming lessons so the doggie paddle was the only swim he knew how to do. He found himself swimming over to where the girl had been swimming. He and his dad splashed around for about a half hour.

Archie noticed the blonde haired girl swim over by the boat. All of a sudden he noticed the boat begin to move, it was headed straight for the girl. Archie and his dad found themselves watching Annabelle be flung overboard, straight towards the girl. The boat was not just a foot from the two. It was going fast, if it hit them they would both die.

The four stood still in shock. And then it hit them. Blood filled the water, pouring from the bodies. It dyed the water red. Slowly the red water crept towards Archie and his dad. A golden chain floated by Archie, he noticed that it had a pendant on it. The pendant had an A on it.


Archie awoke with a start. His sheets were still sticking to him. He was covered in a cold sweat. Yet he was shivering.

He had never had that version of the nightmare before. Sure his Mom did die in the accident, but she had pushed the blonde haired girl out of the way.

And what did the pendant have to do with anything. It looked like one of the pendant keys. Wait... it was. Suddenly it hit Archie. The girl had been Atlanta. His mom had died to save Atlanta. Maybe that was why he felt so attached to Atlanta. But he had never known that her hair was naturally dirty blonde, he knew it was dyed but he had always thought that it was naturally a color similar to Theresa's.

Some how Archie felt more at peace with his mother's death. Tomorrow he would write his Dad. And talk to Theresa. Until then Archie rolled over and fell back asleep. He had to admire Atlanta's courage, ever since then Archie had been terrified of water.


Well that would be my version of why Archie is afraid of water. Hope you like it! Please rate and review!
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