Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > I love you too much

Chapter 3

by pepe_soldier 1 review

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2013-04-10 - 452 words - Complete

Chapter 3

Frank's pov:
Think! I got it! Another memory...
The phone rang. I fastly answered.
-Hello, I'm Ron, is Gerard there?
-Oh, he's sleeping, I will tell him that you called him.
-Thank you, and what's your name, by the way?
-Frank, but people usually call me Frankie
-So, Frankie, I heard a lot of about you. Gee told me that you two love each other.
-Yes, that's true.
-Were you thinking about marriage?
I didn't said anything. We actually wasn't talking about it, yet. We're together for three years already. We never argued or anything like that.
-Frank?- I heard Ron's voice
-No, we weren't talking about it.
-Oh, okay. I have to go now. Just tell Gerard that I called.
-Okay, bye!
-Bye!- then he hanged up. I went to the bedroom door. I was just looking at Gerard. He looked like an Angel. He was so beautiful. I sighed silently and closed the bedroom door. I decided to take a walk. I went to the wood. What's so bad in it? It would be okay if I stayed close to the edge of the wood, but I went deeply, and actually I got lost.
-Damn- I whispered - Where now?- then I felt cold hand on my shoulder, it was holding me tightly.
-Hello, Freakie!- I heard a creepy whisper. It's impossible! It couldn't be him!
What is that? Something stopped me again. I felt some kind of warm drops falling on my cheek. I looked up. It was red. It was blood.
-What the...?- I stand up. Something is upstairs. There was a big corridor. I opened the first door, it was empty, no blood or anything else. I opened the second door and I was terrified. It was he, Gerard, lying on the floor. He cut his wrists. This blood on my cheek is his blood.
-Gee!- I shouted. He looked at me and he smiled weekly.
-Frankie- he said silently.
-What did you do?- I fastly kneeled down to him, I took his hand and I put my sleeve on a cut.
-I can't take this anymore. I can't be this creature, this monster anymore.- he whispered.
-Oh, Gee- I whhispered and started crying.
-Don't cry, please. I-I love you.
-I love you too- I said through tears - Please don't die!
-I won't, I-I promise- he whispered weakly and closed his eyes. I cheeked his pulse. He was still alive. But he was tired. He fell asleep. I fastly took and old towel and wraped it around his cut. I stayed awake whole night, I was just watching him. And next memory came to my mind...
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