Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The World Is Ours

Chapter Sixty Eight - Never Listen

by McrmyBVBparawhore

"Do you still love me?"

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] [X] - Published: 2013-04-14 - 2736 words

A/N Wow, sixty eight chapters . . . this story's getting a lot longer than I thought it was gonna be! This chapter's building up to something that's gonna be happening soon, which I know I'm gonna enjoy writing about so hopefully you'll enjoy reading it! Thankies to Chemical_30 and YoshikiHide182 for reviewing, you're both awesome! If you can, please review, it's appreciated. Sorry for any mistakes or typos. Enjoy ;)

Chapter Sixty Eight - Never Listen

Lo gently brushed hair out of her daughter's eyes as Willow played with a rag doll Lo'd made for her out of old clothes.
As she watched her laugh and smile at the small doll she'd made, Lo couldn't help but feel immense joy for the little person she'd created. Her only regret was the fact Willow's father was a violent bastard with family who were just as violent and angry he was, if not angrier.
Lo tried to recall everything that'd happened to her in the last five years, she tried to figure out how she got there.

Lo angrily grabbed more alcohol and quickly started to drain the bottle of it's content. As the alcohol flowed into her mouth she felt the tears streaming down her cheeks.
After witnessing the death of her only friend of the last few years, Vintage Rainbow, Lo needed to let go and feel the sweet sense of release that the bottle of Whisky offered her. She pulled away from the bottle for a moment, she needed to take in some oxygen.
She attempted to wipe away the fresh tears on her face, but they were replaced by new ones just seconds after she wiped them away.
She took another swig before she heard someone walk into the room. Lo didn't bother looking behind her. She knew it was Snake Bite.
"You gonna drain the whole fucking bottle again?" There wasn't a hint of sadness in his voice for the sister he'd just lost. He acted normally, as if nothing had ever happened.
"So what if I do? It's not like you care."
"Actually, Sweetie Pie, I do care when it comes to the Whisky. It's the last bottle we got of the good shit."
She was truly repulsed by Snake. How could he act so normal after what'd happened? Vintage had been slaughtered by a S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W/ agent, his own sister was dead and he wasn't affected by it at all.
"You fucking disgust me."
He sighed angrily. "The fuck did I do now, Lo?"
"You're not even fucking upset, are you? Your own sister was murdered less than an hour ago, my best and only friend was just killed. You've not even shed one fucking tear for her, what's wrong with you?!" She screamed, clearly drunk.
"Lo, calm the fuck down."
"Why should I? Give me one good reason to calm down, Snake." She started getting closer to him, Snake could smell the strong scent of alcohol on her breath.
"Would Vintage want you to be freaking out right now? You think she'd want to waste another bottle of Whisky because of her?" Lo wasn't expecting him to say that, causing more tears to slide down her cheeks.
She fell to her knees and let herself break down. Snake nelt to the ground with her after she'd collapsed onto her knees.
"Lo, stop crying and look at me." He ordered. He cupped her cheeks with his hands, forcing her to look at him. When she didn't calm down straight away, he shook her violently. "Will you just look at me?"
She looked. "What?"
"I get it, you're upset. I might not seem like it, but I am too. I didn't want it to end that way for my sister, I really didn't. But sometimes it happens and we can't control it. There is something we can control, though."
"What's that?"
"We can take down these motherfuckers who killed her and get rid of anyone who gets in the fucking way, whether they be Dracs, S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W/S/ or Killjoys. We're gonna change it all Lo, we really fucking are."
"We can't kill Killjoys." She sobbed.
"Honey, we already have."
"You already have, I haven't done shit to a Killjoy. God, you're a monster. You're a murderer, just like the bastards who killed Vintage." She spat in his face.
His grip on her grew tighter. Snake didn't care if he hurt her or not, if anything he hoped he did.
"Take that back." He commanded.
"Why, it's true. You're no better than them, neither are the fucking rest of the Dead Flies. You're all a bunch of no good, fucking rotten murderers."
He violently slapped Lo across the face. "You think you're any better, Sweetie Pie? In the big scheme of all this shit, what makes a Killjoy so much better than a Drac? Dracs are alive They breathe and have a beating heart like everyone else, they even had lives once upon a time and we still kill them. Killjoys are people with lives who breathe and have beating hearts, but if they get in our way, if anyone gets in our way, we're not afraid to take them down no matter who they are."
"I hate you."
"Aw, I love you too, Lo." He forced his lips onto hers and didn't let her push him away.
Lo squirmed and barely managed to push him away. "Get the fuck out of here."
"What if I don't want to?"
"Snake, I'm fucking serious. Get the fuck out right fucking now."
"You're scared, aren't you? Now Vintage is gone, you're all alone. You don't have anyone anymore, do you? I mean, you used to have people who loved you. I know you loved some guy a few years ago, Vintage let it slip."
"Leave him out of this." She growled.
"I never did get his name, Lo. I know you had your sister or cousin or some shit too, but you left the guy and the sister died. Now Vintage is gone too. Are you scared yet, Lo?"
She didn't want him to get to her, but he was succeeding because it was all true. She was alone. She didn't have anyone anymore.
"I think you need comforting." He kissed her bare shoulder.
Lo didn't want to be alone. Was she that desperate to spend a night with Snake? She didn't want to be alone, but the thought of sleeping with him wasn't appealing to her. Not one little bit.
When she didn't stop him, Snake started playing with the spaghetti straps on her shirt and tore them off effortlessly seconds later. Lo knew she'd hate herself later on, but she didn't want to be alone.
She let him take off her shirt, followed by her bra. Lo unzipped her denim skirt, leaving her panties on. Snake started taking his own clothes off until he was completely naked and proceeded to take of Lo's panties. She hadn't even slept with him yet and she felt dirty.
"You ready, Sweetie Pie?" He grinned.
Lo didn't reply, she just let him kiss her then let him continue to go even further.

"Lo? Lo, are you in there?" She was snapped out of the memory of Snake when she heard Poison banging his fist on the door.
"Y-yeah, come in."
Opened the creaking door to see Lo sitting on the dirty floor with her daughter. "Do you need anything?"
"I just wanted to talk for a second."
"Okay. What about?"
"Dead Flies."
"What about them?"
He sighed. "They've been spotted in the area, not too far from here actually."
Her eyes widened. "What? How far away are we talking here?"
"No more than fifteen miles. Look, you promised that he didn't know where you were. You're still one hundred percent sure about that?"
"I thought he didn't. I never even mentioned Ghoul's name around him, I swear."
"Well, it looks like he's looking for you and for Willow. I just thought you had the right to know."
"I can't fucking believe it. Someone's gotta be giving him information."
"Like who?"
"I don't know. When I left Ghoul, I cut off all communication with the other people who were in my life at the time. The only person who knew about my life with Ghoul here was Vintage and she's dead."
"I don't want those heartless assholes anywhere near here. They're already too close for my liking and we've got kids here, Lo, and we can't have any shit with them."
"Knowing Snake and the Dead Flies . . . if they don't get Willow, they're gonna make a scene and there's gonna be shit with them, Poison. Do you want me to leave or something?" She asked, scared of the answer.
Poison shook his head. "God no, I wouldn't push you out like that and leave you and Willow with the Dead Flies. We just need to be prepared if they do find you here and try to start a fire fight."
"Okay, I can do that. I've got spare guns and batteries."
"Good. We need to be ready if they get too close."

After Poison was finished with talking to Lo about the Dead Flies, he went to see his five-year-old daughter, who was with her mother.
"Daddy, look at what we did!" She eagerly pointed to the drawing they'd created with old crayons. "It's you, can you tell?"
He smiled at the drawing. The bright red hair was wildly drawn on the paper, his eyes were wide and his smile resembled the joker's lips. The blue jacket had little details on it he was sure Acid helped her to draw on there.
"That's great, Bandy." He kissed her forehead. "Have you drawn mommy yet?"
"No, I'm gonna draw mommy now. You help me?"
"Sure, I'll help out."
She grabbed a black crayon, drawing a huge circle on the page for her mother's head followed by a messy mop of black hair.
"Mommy has pretty hair. Can I have black hair too, mommy?"
She laughed. "Maybe when you're older."
"Is five not old enough?"
"Your aunt Death had to wait until she was fifteen."
"That's forever away, mommy! Can I please do it now, I don't wanna wait."
"We'll see, baby."
"So, we need green for mommy's eyes. What color are we gonna do her lips, B?"
"Red! I like red."
While Bandit colored, Acid turned to Poison for a second. "How'd it go with Lo?"
He nodded. "It went well, I guess. We're gonna have to stock up on extra guns and batteries in case they wanna fight about it. I don't think they're gonna take it well when we say they can't take Lo or Willow." She could see he was worried about it. It was obvious when he spoke about them.
"Poison, we don't know if they're looking for Willow and Lo. It could just be coincidental."
"I don't believe in coincidence anymore, remember?"
She had the urge to roll her eyes. "Anyways, we don't know if they're looking for them for sure. We'll be prepared if they do get too close, but in the mean time, just relax. You're under too much stress."
"Everyone's under too much stress."
"Daddy, we need more blue for mommy's shirt."
Poison gave her another crayon, it was a lighter blue than the one she'd used for his jacket, but it didn't matter. Blue was blue.
"Just try no to worry, you know I won't let them hurt anyone here. While I was trained to destroy Killjoys, I've also been trained to hurt and or kill assholes like them."
"Never thought I'd say this, but in a way I guess it's good you know how to deal with them if it comes to that. Thanks, Ace."
"No problem."

A little while after everyone went to bed, Acid was left alone with Poison.
"Poison, can we talk?"
"We're talking right now."
"I'm just wondering if I'm the only one who keeps thinking about what happened between us."
He paused, unsure if he wanted to talk about the night they'd shared together. "N-no. You're not the only one."
She nodded. "Do you have any regrets about it?"
"Some. A part of me wishes it hadn't happened, the other . . . the other part of me doesn't want to forget about it. You can't deny it wasn't incredible."
"I never did. I'm kinda surprised no one's said anything about the love bites. They've gotten dark too."
"Fuck, they have?"
She took off the scarf and showed him the blotches that'd somehow gotten darker.
"I'm sorry about that."
"It's okay."
"Do you have any regrets?"
She smirked. "I regret you giving me hickies."
He smirked back at her. "Yeah . . . again, I'm sorry. I guess next time I'll try to be more careful." Did he really just say he'd try to be more carefully next time?
She paused, shocked. "N-next time?" Acid stuttered.
"I didn't mean to say that." He said awkwardly. "It just slipped out."
"Poison . . . are you still attracted to me? And be honest, don't give me any bullshit."
"Ace, what kind of question is that? If I wasn't still attracted to you, we wouldn't have even slept together."
"Do you still love me?"
"That's harder to answer and you know it." He turned away from her, pretending that he was busy trying to clean up the diner slightly so he didn't have to look her in the eyes.
"Poison, turn around." She put a hand on his shoulder and made him look at her. "I want a serious conversation about this. I'm confused as fuck and I need someone to talk to about this."
"Talk to Death."
"I already have. While I love her, it's not the same. She doesn't understand like I know you do."
"Ace, this subject isn't exactly easy to talk about."
"I know it isn't, but ignoring it isn't going to make it magically go away or erase how we feel about this."
"Talking about it hasn't exactly helped us either. We've always either fought or ended up making out then having sex."
"Poison, I still care about you. I still have fe-"
"Please don't say it, Ace."
"Why not?"
"When you tell me you have feelings for me, it makes it more real. It makes me realize that the past we had really did happen, that I was in love with you and it makes me realize that . . . ." He stopped himself.
"Makes you realize what, Poison?"
He didn't answer her.
"Poison, say it."
"It makes me realize I still have feelings too. I don't want these feelings, Ace."
"And you think I do?"
"Of course not. I just know I can't be in a relationship and I know that's probably what you want."
"I don't know what I want. We're both confused on this, remember? All I know is that right now . . . I wanna kiss you. I wanna feel like I did with you when we slept together." Her eyes had melted into his and they couldn't look away from each other, not even if they wanted to.
He wanted it to. Hearing her say she wanted what he did just made it even more difficult for him to refuse the desires he felt bubbling in his stomach.
"If we do this again . . . there won't be a relationship afterwards? You won't want one if we do this again?"
She shook her head. "I think I'll still be confused, but right now I know that I want you."
That was enough for him to hear. Poison was tired of constantly fighting what he wanted to do, and so they gave up on fighting the desire. Poison wrapped his arms around Acid and pulled her into a kiss.
Acid locked her arms around his neck and let him carry her to his room. She knew she shouldn't have. She knew she'd probably feel dirty afterwards again, but she didn't care, Acid wanted him and he wanted her just as badly.
She knew that both her and Poison would've been better off if they just said goodnight and didn't act on how they felt, she felt it in her gut. But she didn't listen to her gut, she never listened once that night when she knew she should've. She just let the desires take over for one more night.
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