Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > My Brother the Vampire

The Nightmare

by FiatLux 3 reviews

Gerard is seventeen and got kicked out of his house for abusing drugs and alcohol. Mikey got kicked out along with him because he was trying to defend his brother. They both share an apartment. Ger...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Sci-fi - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2013-02-22 - Updated: 2013-04-16 - 1121 words

I struggled to fight the hands grabbing at me. It was no use though. The more I fought, the tighter they grabbed me. I gasped for breath. I couldn't breathe. I was being squeezed to death. My eyes sought out to find something anything in the darkness. I managed a strangled cry of protest before something covered my mouth and nose. I was wrapped up in something. It restricted me as I squirmed beneath the blackness coiled around me like the thorned tendrils of the night that haunted kids in their nightmares.

"Mikey!" I sucked a deep breath in. It was still dark, but at least I could breathe now. I was still trapped within something. I struggled against whatever it was. "Mikey. Stay still, or I'll never get this damned sheet off you!" a familiar voice warned on the brink of shouting.

A sheet?

The personified voice started working at the sheets I'd gotten myself tangled in while sleeping. I then realized that my eyes were closed, and that was why it was so dark. I couldn't bring myself to open though. I was afraid of what I might see. At last, I felt the last of the retched sheet torn away from my body. I forced myself to peek at the reality around me and saw a pale white face with red eyes. I quickly back away an closed my eyes once again. I snatched my pillow with my eyes closed and held it against my body as if it would protect me.

"You're not real... not real," I repeated to myself. There were no such things as monsters. Nope. I brought my knees up to my chest and hugged the pillow tighter against myself. It's not there. It's not there. It's not there!

"Mikey..." the voice said again. I let out a small whimper. Suddenly, I was engulfed in a hug. "It's okay, Mikey. Open your eyes. It's okay." I shook my head violently. The person or monster or whatever it was started petting my hair, comforting me. "Open your eyes," it whispered. It's cold fingers brushed over my cheeks softly. I was crying. When did I start crying? I forced myself to open my eyes. Moonlight filtered in through the window and cast a blue-ish haze in my room. I hesitated and looked up to see my older brother staring at me.

"Gee?" I threw my arms around him and sobbed. He was shirtless as usual, so I just sobbed into his pale skin. He made soft shushing noises and held me close.

"It was just your night terrors. Relax. I'm here for you, Mikes." His soothing voice calmed me. Soon after, I was just a sniffling little fourteen year old, terrified of the dark. I wiped my eyes and looked at him once again. His face was an almost unhealthy pale shade of white, his hair as dark as the monsters that stalked late at night, and eyes a nice hazel color. Not red. His eyes weren't red. He wasn't a monster. He was my brother. I gave him a half-smile. He returned it. "Would you like some coffee?" I don't know what time it was but judging from the moon and stars out, I would say it was the middle of the night... and he wanted to make coffee.

"I would absolutely love that right now." One thing about the both of us is that we both have a bit of an addiction to coffee. Just a bit of addiction! Not that much... He bounced off the bed and made his way to the kitchen in the darkness. I was half-tempted to go after him, but images of red eyes and sharp teeth and... blood stopped me. The darkness could hide anything in it. There could be a monster beneath my bed right now... just waiting for my feet to come down. Perhaps it's make me believe there was nothing there. I'd take a step of two before it grabbed my ankles and dragged me into the confinements of my own horrors.

I shook my head. No. There was no such things as monsters. No such things... A sudden noise brought me out of my thoughts. It sounded like soft footsteps. It didn't sound like it was coming from Gerard. He was in the kitchen which means... it was with me. Whatever it was... it was in the room with me. I could feel my heart racing and pounding in my chest. My breathing became shallow and quick. My eyes flashed around the room, scanning for anything that seemed out of the ordinary.

I took a deep breath, preparing to call for Gerard when I heard it. It was a low growling sound. It was a warning growl. I squeezed my eyes tight. Nope. Not happening. A cold chill enveloped itself around me and in my room. Just do it, Mikey. I told myself. Just call for Gerard. I parted my shaking lips and forced myself to breathe evenly. It growled again, clearly annoyed with what I was doing.

"Gerard." My voice came out as a broken whisper.

"Mikey," a voice you'd hear in a scary movie called. "Relax, Mikey. I'm not going to hurt you," it mocked. I felt the sort of entity as it drifted around me. "Are you scared?" I nodded feebly. "Is it because of me?" It feigned innocence. I let out a whimper. "Well?!" I nodded again. "Well, it's not me you should be scared of. It's your brother.

"Mikey! Are you okay?" I heard Gerard call from the hall. His footsteps were light and were just about outside my room. It was in this moment that the monster that was with me quickly retreated. As quickly as it had come, it had gone. Gerard entered the room with two piping cups of coffee. The look on his face showed that I obviously didn't look okay. He hurried to me and handed me the coffee. I greedily gulped it down. It burned my throat and mouth, but I found it quite relaxing.

"Gerard. What's happening to me?" I looked at him. He's suffered from night terrors before. The look he gave me right now was one I'd never seen before. He looked so forlorn... why? He brought me in for a hug, coffee mug still in hand and rested his face in the crook of my neck.

"I don't know..."

"You should be afraid of him... heed my warning, Mikey." The voice echoed in my mind.

What was happening?

Okay. Sooo... I'm not really good at writing scary/suspenseful/creepy/ect. stories and such, so go easy on me please. R&R if you don't mind! Goodbai mai beyoootiful zebras!
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