Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > My Brother the Vampire

The New Kid

by FiatLux 4 reviews

Mikey's night terrors are effecting him during the day not, too. Will it affect his relationship with the new kid in his classes?

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Sci-fi - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Published: 2013-04-14 - Updated: 2013-04-14 - 1691 words

"Mikey. It's time to get up. You can't be late to school again!" Gerard said softly, giving me a gentle shake. I groaned a protest and turned to flop over on my side and found myself planted face first on the carpeted floor. Gerard started laughing obnoxiously. Was me falling off the couch really that funny? Wait a second. When did I get on the couch?

"Not funny, Gerard." I brought a hand up to my face and tried to rub the sleep out of my eyes. It didn't work. I opened my eyes. The sunlight attacked my eyes. I squinted and forced myself to sit up. The events of last night slowly came back to me. The nightmare, the creepy voice, coffee, then falling asleep with Gerard on the couch in the living room making fun of the reality T.V. shows.

"I-I'm sorry, M-Mikes!" He struggled to contain his laughter. I guess after my little scene last night, we could use a laugh. I got up and started trudging to my room. My sleepiness drifted away the closer I got to my room. I even started slowing down, actually stopping outside my closed bedroom. I bit my lip as I grabbed the knob and turned it slowly. I opened my door little by little, wincing as the hinges squeaked eerily like in the scary movies.


I sucked in air through my teeth making a sort of hissing sound, anticipating what I might see. I doubled over as the wretched scent hit my nose. That wasn't the worst part. There was blood everywhere, as if a murder had happened. My room was trashed, and in the center of it all... there was a body laying limp of the floor. I couldn't see who it was or even the gender, but I recognized the person bent over it, mouth latched on the person's neck.

Gerard looked up at me, blood dripping down from his mouth, two fangs glinting dangerously at me. He smirked at me. He looked down at the body. I followed his eyes and recognized the motionless body on the floor.

It was me.

I fell backwards and rubbed my eyes. I looked into my room to find it exactly the same way I saw it last night. The sheets in a heap at the edge of the bed and the blanket kicked to the floor. Everything was the same.

I felt something warm tickle my upper lip. I reached at my face gathering a bit of the substance on the tip of my index finger. I had a bloody nose. I instantly pinched the bridge of my nose and breathed through my mouth.

"Hey, Gerard!" I called, my voice sounding a bit awkward due to my bloody nose. "Cud ya get meh sahm tissues? I've got a blahdy 'ose."

"Sure thing!" I continued sitting in the doorway of my room as he brought me some tissues. He handed them to me looking a bit concerned. "What happened?" I thought about the question for a moment. What did happen?

"Uh... I duh'o..." I responded. He smiled at me and rolled his eyes.

"Well, hurry up and clean your face 'cuz you're gonna be late if you don't, and we don't want that to happen again." I winced.

"Yeah. You're right." Detention sucks... like really sucks! It's worse than the entire school day put together, and that's saying something! "I'll call you if I need anything else, 'kay?" I wiped more blood off my face, my speech improving. He nodded and walked away.

I entered my room with wariness. Nothing happened as I got changed or even on the way to school. The only thing was that I could get the image of Gerard all bloody out of my mind. I gazed out the window of the car. The houses flew by in a blur. I blinked a couple times and shook my head. When the images popped up in my mind, a sharp pain came along with it.

"Are you okay, Mikey? You don't have to go to school if you're not feeling up to it." I grimaced at the concern in his voice. It seems I'm always burdening him with something: my night terrors, detention, and now this. He looked at me through the rear-view mirror. He was obviously worried, so I shot him one of my awkward turtle smiles.

"I'm fine. I've got a test today that I can't miss anyway." He looked doubtful but redid the mirror and let it go.

My school appeared as Gerard parked the car. I hurried out, slinging my backpack over my right shoulder. I ran inside the school, happy to see kids still here. It means I'm not late.

Ding dong dong ding dong ding ding dong

"And that's the bell," I muttered to myself as I rushed to my first class. I had history first. My teacher actually made it fun to learn about though, so I relished the feeling as a smile crept up on my face. I entered the classroom as the bell and hurried to my seat. I sighed, happy that I'd gotten here on time.

"Mr. Way. Here on time for once," my teacher, Mrs. Kobayashi, teased. My cheeks colored as I nodded. I was quite the awkward turtle at school. It's hard for me to have a decent conversation with anyone at this ghetto school. Most, if not all, the conversation included the words "niggy," "nigga," "dat," and so many more. It's hard for me to speak proper English already, adding slang would just be...

The door opened and as always, the whole class turned to see who was entering. A short boy with black hair and hazel eyes walked in. He was wearing Misfits gloves along with a black Misfits t-shirt. He topped it off with black ripped up jeans and tattered converse. I'm not going to say something cheesy like it felt like my soul mate stepped in, but he did look kinda attractive. He walked up to Mrs. Kobayashi, who was about to explain what a civil war was.

"I'm new here... I think this is my class." I smiled a bit. I guess I'm not the only awkward one here. His voice was confident though. He had a sort of dark aura around him... it would've been intriguing if I weren't such an awkward turtle.

"Oh yes." Mrs. Kobayashi bit her lip. "Okay. You can sit next to," There was an empty seat beside me, "Bob. Bob Bryar. Raise your hand, Bob." The smile melted off my face. To think I could actually make a friend... I watched him as he took his seat beside Bob toward the center of the class. As he sat down, his head suddenly swiveled toward me and made eye contact. Me, being me, made a mixed sound of a gasp and a choking sound before redirecting my attention back to the teacher.

Soon enough, I got into what Mrs. Kobayashi was saying and was able to picture the bloody civil war... blood. I winced as another sharp stab of pain erupted in my mind. I started massaging my temples. I jumped as I heard the bell ring again. Class was over. I sighed.

The day's that much closer to ending.

I packed up my things and left the room. The hall was filled with endless amounts of stupid teenagers. I took a deep breath. Into the void.

"Hey, Mikey!" I turned around to see the new boy struggling after me. I frowned.

"You're the new kid, right?" I was surprised at how steady my voice was. I didn't understand why he was talking to me though. I was the kid most people avoided. "How do you even know my name?" He blushed.

"Bob told me to stay away from you. You seem nice though, so could you show me to my next class?" His hazel eyes were begging me to say yes. I nodded.

"What's your next class?" I asked him, a headache starting to come back. He smiled and pulled a crumpled piece of paper out of his pocket. He smoothed it out a bit and examined the words on it.

"I have... Mr. Snyder." I nodded. Mr. Snyder taught math. My class was right next to his. I had Mr. Sachs, pronounced like socks, for science. I nodded and started walking briskly in the direction of our classrooms. "Hey! Wait up!"

I didn't stop because I didn't have to look at him and apologize for going to quickly, and ugh! I just wish I wasn't so awkward! He grabbed my shoulder and span me around to look straight at him. In that moment, I felt my anxiety spike, and I just had the urge to run. I gasped and pulled away from his touch.

"Are you okay?" Black spots started dancing around my vision as gravity was shifting all around me. The weight of my backpack made me unbalanced as I started to fall. "Whoa!" The new kid sorta caught me as he went to his knees laying me down on the floor because he couldn't support my weight. Everything was going fuzzy, and my headache was getting worse along with the images as Gerard as a vampire covered in blood.

"Someone get the nurse!" The new kid put his hand on my forehead. "Mikey. Stay with us." He slapped my cheek a bit, but everything was spinning out of control- literally.


Okay. It's been like two or three months since I posted this story. Now, I could make up some excuse about school and crap, but really, I found reading more interesting than writing this story. I had an image of this story in my mind, and I figured the having people actually want more of it would give me motivation to post more, buuuuut... you see how that went. Not all stories are meant to be written- this being one of them- but I'm going to write it just for you guys! Sooo... I think this was a bad chapter, but I dunno. R&R my awkward turtles!
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