Categories > Original > Humor > Diary Of A Teenage Fangirl.
3 reviewsThis'll be about the movie that I just got back from, and stuff on updates and stuff.
Diary Of A Teenage Fangirl.
(#) xXchickenwithatacoXx 2013-04-14
Sadie. I followed you on Twitter. Guess who I am. ;3Diary Of A Teenage Fangirl.
(#) Sam41 2013-04-14
If it's general admission
-Stand closer to the people in front of you, leave no noticable gaps in front of you where someone could push through(because theres the chance that someone could push in and stand right in front of you
-Look for gaps and squeeze through
-If you're at the front, you're going to get your ass kicked (everyone wants to be there, no matter who gets hurt)
-If someone fucks with you (tries to push you to the floor/hits you/kicks you while body surfing) take a swing back! At concerts nobody will know it's intentional unless you make it obvious
They last for 3-5 hours usually (2 opening acts tend to play for 30 minutes, the third opening act an hour and the main band usually 2/3 hours)
I don't know about signings though
And shirts are usually 30-35 Canadian, posters 15-20, Hoodies 60-65 wristbands 10-15 ALL CANADIAN FUNDS, I don't know how much it would be in England/British money
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