Categories > Original > Romance > This Blood Evacuation Is Telling Me To Cave In
This Blood Evacuation Is Telling Me To Cave In
(#) HatedEyes 2013-04-18
Dude holy fuck I love this shit shit shit I love being evil because I am and just shit girl.This Blood Evacuation Is Telling Me To Cave In
(#) Sam41 2013-04-18
I died....I watched you kill my girlfriend then you murder me
Your dark...I like that :D
MWAHAHAHA ILL FUCKING HAUNT YOU LIKE "hisshissfaggot" xDAuthor's response
I can be dark and mysterious.. I glare at people. Hehehehehe..
strokes a cat like all evil villains doThis Blood Evacuation Is Telling Me To Cave In
(#) Sam41 2013-04-20
-hisses while crawling over to you-
That wasn't me
That was the old me
The me before I found my music taste
the me before the fucking band life crawled out of the deepest pits of hell, slid out from under my bed and fucked my for life
I am fucked over for life because I didn't choose the band life
The band life fucked me up
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