Categories > Original > Humor > Rain

Chapter 10 (Finally)

by timeywimey27 0 reviews

It's up at last!

Category: Humor - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor - Published: 2013-04-18 - 335 words

Chapter 10

It was 6:50pm, and I was already standing outside the store near my house. What could I say; I hated being late for stuff; being early for everything was my custom (except school, but that was another story).

5 minutes went by, and a figure appeared in the distance. I didn’t move, in case it wasn’t any of my friends. But the figure drew closer, and I saw it was Tommy. He nodded at me.

“Early as usual” He laughed. “The others are on their way; they came a different route”.

I nodded, and Tom lit up a cigarette. He’d been smoking as long as I’d known him (a few years), and yet he’d never seemed to suffer any adverse effects. His singing voice was perfectly intact (as he was fond of showing off), his teeth weren’t yellowing and he never coughed or got sick.

10 minutes passed, and the figures of Laura and Mark came into view. Tom ground out his cigarette, and together, the 4 of us snuck silently behind to grocery store towards to dumpsters. Tom immediately jumped in the first one he saw, as usual. When he jumped down, he’d grabbed a Dead Kennedys shirt and a pack of cigarettes.

A second after, Laura jumped down from the neighbouring dumpster, clutching a pair of headphones and two large bottles of coke.

“Nice one” I grinned.

Mark and I then proceeded to simultaneously jumped into the adjacent dumpsters; his retrieving a stuffed octopus and I a black studded belt. I turned to Mark and burst out laughing when I saw his octopus. He grinned back. “Awesome, right?” He laughed.

Laura, Tom and I nodded, still giggling.

Okay, the hysterically long wait is over and chapter 10 is finally here! I'm on holiday now so hopefully the next chapter won't have to wait too long. Rate and/or review. It's always appreciated and loved.
Side note: I bought 'Save Rock and Roll' by Fall Out Boy today! Love it!
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