Categories > Original > Humor > Rain

Chapter 11

by timeywimey27 0 reviews

Ah yes, the 11th chapter at last. You may be asking, 'why did it take so long?'. Well dear children, the answer is hidden in the deepest darkest caves of I Have Lots of Homework Valley.

Category: Humor - Rating: G - Genres: Humor - Published: 2013-04-23 - 393 words

Chapter 11

It was 12am when I finally collapsed fully clothed and undetected into my bed. My mom thought I’d come back earlier, when she was already in bed. I’d gotten Justin to cover for me, and all had gone well. I curled up into a ball, wrapped in blankets, and was asleep with the hour.

The sun peeked through gaps in my curtains to beam down onto my face. I made a strange snorting sound and opened my eyes. I sat up and was surprised to see I was still fully clothed from the night before. I swung myself out of bed and grabbed some surprisingly decent smelling clothes, after seriously contemplating going to school in the clothes I’d worn the night before (despite the fact they smelt like rotten shellfish).

Dragging my exhausted body towards school, my eyes barely open, I ran, or rather fell, into Mark. A bizarre noise I had never made before emitted from my mouth as I collided with Mark’s chest.

“Whoa, dude, you okay?” He asked, sounding as if he was trying to supress a giggle.

I stood up straight, slightly dazed and confused.

“Asdklfj” I spluttered, before trying to answer Marks question. “Uh, yeah, just kinda tired” I finally managed to say.

Mark laughed. “I’m a little tired too, but a coffee usually picks me right up” He said.

I smiled, and we continued our way to school, this time trying to avoid any embarrassing collisions.

When we finally reached the Satan pit known as school, I was twice as tired as I had initially been. I groaned loudly as Mark and I stood outside the gates.

“I don’t wanna go in. My legs are tired, my arms are tired, my back is tired, my eyebrows are tired” I complained.

Mark laughed good naturedly.“Frank, come on, don’t make me suffer alone” He pleaded jokingly.

I sighed dramatically. “Ugh. Fine. But if I kill you out of pure irritation, it’s your fault”.

Well, there you have it, grand old chapter 11. Although chapter 11 is neither old, nor particuarly grand, I hope you enjoyed it. I have a haircut, injections and various errands scheduled for tomorrow, so only time will tell when the next chapter will be up. Please rate and/or review, it is always acknowledged and loved. xo
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