Categories > Original > Drama > I Hate You But I Can't Resist You.
Greenwood Arch Asylum..
2 reviewsSome characters are introduced. Chapter 2 "I want nothing." If this confused you please read chapter 2.
I Hate You But I Can't Resist You.
(#) MyNameOkay 2013-04-17
Nothing seems to happen. You introduces characters, but there was nothing really there to help identify them with the readers.Author's response
Thanks. I'm just starting to write fan fiction. I'm still not quiet sure what I could do to fix that. I was trying to tell there back story as they came into the story.. Do you have any suggestion?I Hate You But I Can't Resist You.
(#) Sam41 2013-07-11
Suggestions for this, or any fic
Get a beta (an editor who goes over your chapters, fixes any grammar or spelling mistakes, and gives you constructive critisism)
They work wonders
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