Categories > Original > Drama > I Hate You But I Can't Resist You.

Greenwood Arch Asylum..

by Riot_Hard 2 reviews

Some characters are introduced. Chapter 2 "I want nothing." If this confused you please read chapter 2.

Category: Drama - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2013-04-17 - Updated: 2013-04-18 - 1431 words

"I hate you.. But I can't resist you."
Chapter 1
It's cold, damp and grey.. The rain never fails to show up and sometimes it likes to be accompanied by his two friends: lightening and thunder. And when they come, the "nut house" tends to get crazy.. Crazier than usual I should say. At this "nut house" we tend to own all the jerks that believe they were framed and then we have the people who are down right insane.. Or at least that's what the staff titles them. But they're not your average nut cases, they just tend to come from violent pasts and environment and the thought of it makes them break down. No one truly understand them.

Or should I say us..? It is true. I'm in that classified group. I came from a violent "family." Abusive crackhead mother. And well a father that i dont even know. he died before I was born. Everything was perfect till he died. I mean from the pictures I've seen before that event it seemed to be perfect. Then after I was born my mother deserted her family and took me. Ever since then she's been on the street selling her self for drugs and money. When I was in 8th grade my teacher saw some bruises and scars on my body and she called child protective services. They came and took me away. They asked me all kinds of questions. Questions such as what she would hit me for,
how many times, what I believe in, if I even have faith in something... But I didn't answer anything. They asked all kinds of question that drove me crazy inside but on the outside I was calm, just a scared innocent girl.. Afraid. Then they asked this one question.... And I panicked, blacked out right on the spot, i went insane as they say. And well now I'm here.. In this Asylum. Greenwood Arch Asylum to be exact.

My name is Emily. The staff here tell me my name is envy. I hate it when they tell me that. but It's true. I tried changing my name. Everyone that isn't a staff member gets it. I want nothing of my mother. Not even the name she gave me.

I met my best friend here at greenwood arch asylum. Her name is Annabelle. But she changed her name as well as I did... Eric. She comes from the just about same back ground as me. only she has a father, he's just a abusive drunk. When she first came here, she was just as frightened as I was. She was assigned to my room. I saw her David Bowie T-shirt and we bonded instantly. We've be inseparable since then. She's been here for about 3 months now and I've been here for 2 years now. Everyday she wakes me up by whispering things such as "wake up lazy ass" and sometimes it's things such as "good morning sunshine now get up." And when she says these thing I can't help but smile. And she does it just for that reason.

But today she woke me up differently it was more of a shake and panicky whisper... "Emily.. There's a new guy.. Get up before the staff get here." Every time there was a new kid the staff would check our rooms for weapon, drugs or whatever it is we aren't suppose to have. I got out of my bed and walked to the mirror beside Eric.
"What does he look like?"
"I don't know. Danny told me."
"You Saw Danny this morning?!"
"Did he see me sleep?"
"Shit. Oh well it's not like I'm the one with the crush on him.." I winked at her.
"Shut up before he hears you!" And she strikes my arm with the back of her brush.

Danny Worsnop... He's my bother.. Or at least like a brother. He's been here for 3 and a half years now. He took me under his wing and helped me get along here at this nut house. Danny was just the trouble maker.. He's mother left his father and him when he was 6 years old. His father went crazy and tried to kill himself and Danny. But he failed. Eventually he was able to let go but when he did he left Danny. He swore that Danny was the reason for his mother deserting them. Danny had break downs at school and his teacher called the child protective services for him too.

Danny walked right into mine and Eric's room without knocking as usual but he had a different look in his eyes. Like he was confused or just dazed.
"Why hello Danny"
"Umm oh hey."
"Are you okay?"
"Oh umm yeah. Still sleepy I guess."
"Oh yeah. Me too. Someone woke me up by shaking me this morning!" I turned and looked at Eric.
"Oh wow. I swear sometimes you two are sisters. I mean you know everything about each other. And you two bonded so quickly....."
His usual speech.
"Anyway.." I said rolling my eyes at Eric, "you know about this new guy?"
"Yeah. He's kinda an old school mate. We had 3rd grade together."
"What's he like?"
"I don't know. People change a lot from when they're in 3rd grade to 11th grade you know."
"Ha! True. What's for breakfast?"
"Some type of fiber bar and yogurt."
"I'll pass."
"It's actually good. You should get you some."
"I'm not in the mood."
"It's that day isn't it?"
"Any umm?"
"Yes.. It was different. I won't talk about it till later though."
"Okay. Well ill let you two get dressed and whatnot. See you two lovely ladies later?"
"Yeah." We said it together. Again.

I hate this day. It's one of the days I was suppose to be dead but the doctors brought me back and "saved" me. And on these days I usually tend to have dreams.. More like nightmares.. Nightmares recalling the hospital and the doctors who "saved" me but its never the doctors.. It's usually my mother.. And they never stop. The staff tried every therapy session ever created.. Nothing helps. I just have a break down and black out. Then wake up in a white padded room.

"You ready? Cause I want to go get breakfast."
"You're always ready before me Eric."
"Oh well let me put on my eyeliner and we'll go get you some breakfast."
"Done. Now lets go."

We walk down the halls and turn to the right. Eric walks in the cafeteria while I stay out with Danny.

"Has she said anything about me?"
"Danny. I don't see why you don't ask her out. It's so obvious you two like each other."
"She doesn't like me."
"Just ask her out. trust me she will say yes."
"Okay I will after I show Ben around."
"Yeah the new guy."
"Oh yeah I forgot about that."
One of the staff members walks up to us.

"Danny. He's here. He's in the lobby."
"Okay. Bye Emily ill see you and Eric soon."
"Okay. Bye. And don't lie and say me an Eric are the weirdest people here again!"

Danny always shows the new people around. Sometimes he tells them me and Eric are the most insane people here. Though its pretty entertaining.

"Where did Danny go?"
"He went to show Ben around."
"That's his name?"
"Uhhhh Emily and ben! That sounds cute!!!!"
"Shut up Eric! I don't even know this guy you dork!"
"You know you love me. So did he saying anything about me?"
"Yes. I told him just to ask you out and he said you don't like him. Then he changed the subject."
"Yes." I'm such a piss poor lier.
"Let's go back to the room."

We walked back down the cold drafty halls back to our room. And Danny and Ben appear.

"And these are my two lovely friends Emily and Eric. I'm sure they wouldn't mind if we hung without with them now." I looked up and bens eyes met my mine. I froze. Eric looked at me and noticed. She threw a pillow at me to shake my sudden panic.
"Thanks." I said throwing the pillow back almost spilling her yogurt.
"Hi my names Eric. Where are you from Ben?"
He shook his head lightly and looked away.
"Uhh Seattle, Washington."
"Oh that's cool. Emily say hi to Ben."
"I didn't want to look up. But I did.
"Hi I'm Emily." That's all I could say. His eyes shot right through me...
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