Categories > Original > Humor > Diary Of A Teenage Fangirl.
38 reviewsWhat is that mysterious orb of heat and light in da sky? the Sun? well..
Diary Of A Teenage Fangirl.
(#) Poppana 2013-04-18
Aww I love babies... I want one. Is she chubby and cute and cuddly because that's my favorite kind.Diary Of A Teenage Fangirl.
(#) gemiam 2013-04-18
No, but she's tall for her age. Her mother was about Ryan's height, so she's gonna be very tall.Diary Of A Teenage Fangirl.
(#) HatedEyes 2013-04-18
Ooh! Have loads of fun! I'm sitting here playing with my long hair. And tonight, I'm gonna film my review show. :)Diary Of A Teenage Fangirl.
(#) Poppana 2013-04-18
That's nice. You two have fun at the park! ... What do you do at a park? Are you having a picnic?!
Diary Of A Teenage Fangirl.
(#) HatedEyes 2013-04-18
I'm currently writing the prologue of a fic. I'm quite happy with it.Diary Of A Teenage Fangirl.
(#) gemiam 2013-04-18
Yeah, a picnic and walk around and maybe visit the playground.
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