Categories > Original > Humor > Diary Of A Teenage Fangirl.
Diary Of A Teenage Fangirl.
(#) HatedEyes 2013-04-21
God yes.
I need to tell you all about Andy, Finlay, Brendon and Zackie..Author's response
TELL ME ASH.Diary Of A Teenage Fangirl.
(#) HatedEyes 2013-04-21
When I first started here, I had voices. They were called Andy, Finlay, Brendon, and Zackie, and Ash, who I later became. But these guys dominated my stories, and I was psycho. Like, an actual mental psychopath.Author's response
Wow. I never really gave names to my voices. I only had one.Diary Of A Teenage Fangirl.
(#) HatedEyes 2013-04-21
I had multiple. I had conversations with them late at night. Then, there was a stage where I was really violent. I called that other half 'Ana'.Author's response
I suddenly just thought of that lyric from the PTV song Stay Away From My Friends.. Louisiana, you're toturing me with a beautiful face..
oh god that is awkward..
I have conversations with myself too.Diary Of A Teenage Fangirl.
(#) HatedEyes 2013-04-21
It wasn't even me though. It was them.Author's response
Do you realise I am thinking of A Splitting Of The Mind again? (have you actually read A Splitting Of The Mind, it's really sad as fuck.)
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