Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > I Don't Love You Like I Did Yesterday

Chapter 6

by mcrobsessed99 3 reviews

classic lunchroom scene

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Published: 2013-04-25 - 423 words

The next day at school, I hadn't seen Gerard anywhere, luckily.

Jess was forgiving me so easily, which was really unexpected of her.

We walked up the brick steps leading to the entrance of the school together. Jess wore a large smile on her face as she put her arm around mine and walked with me into the school.

How can she be taking last night so well? I wondered, staring at her as we entered the school.

As we walked through the hallways on our way to first period, I spotted a familiar blur of pitch black hair that just had to have been standing by his locker which was of course, right by Jess and I's first period classroom.

Jess spotted him, smile now wiped from her face and replaced with a blank look. She gripped my arm tighter as Gerard, now sensing someones presence near him, turned around, face turning white as he realized just who was walking past. He looked at me, then Jess, then to our arms that were still intertwined together.

Jess eyed him closely, a smug look appearing on her face as if she was telling him “I' win.” She held me closer and pulled me into the class room. I watched Gerard once more as his frowning pale face left my vision.

First period ended, and then second, and now it was finally time for lunch.

Once again I met up with Jess, and after going through the lunch line and purchasing our lunches, we found two available seats through the filled tables of the room and sat down together in the cafeteria full of the usual loud and rowdy teenagers.

“So, how was math class?” Jess said, taking a bite out of her sandwich she had just bought.

“Boring as usual,” I said, unwrapping the paper to my – supposedly beef but I'm not sure beef is supposed to look like that- burger, "Not like anything exciting is gonna happen while doing algebra.”

Jess chuckled, “Yeah, well science class wasn't great either, but guess what--”

“What the hell is going on Frank, why are you still with her?” A loud voice exclaimed, cutting Jess off. Both of us looked towards the owner of the voice to find, Gerard.

“Oh shit,” I whispered.

I stood up quickly, becoming more aware of the impending silence in the cafeteria. I looked over at Jess, her face pale white.

this was written with help from one of my friends yay!
hope you guys like it! R+R!

xoxo cass
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