Categories > Cartoons > Class of the Titans > The Art of Song

The Holiday Home

by -lIzZy- 6 reviews

The others get a peak at life Jay led pre-titan...that is after the stressful journey there!

Category: Class of the Titans - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure, Humor, Romance - Published: 2006-08-02 - Updated: 2006-08-02 - 1038 words

"Jon...what a surprise!" said Amaryllis, walking over to her nephew with a clear smile on her face. "Why I haven't seen you since...oh it must have been New Years!"
"That's right Auntie Am!" he said giving her a gigantic hug.
"Well the more the merrier, as I always say," she said breaking off to stand beside her son. "Does this mean you'll be singing tonight dear?" she asked whispering into his ear.
Jay growing rather pink in the face, took his mother's and Theresa's arm and started off towards the direction of the airport. "Anyone who's coming move along!" he shouted.


"Well that wasn't so bad," said Archie all smiles, coming off the plan into Thesseloniki.
"You're only saying that because you're no longer on that ship!" muttered Atlanta, much to the amusement of everyone else.
"Well in any case, we'll be home in less than ten minutes!" said Jay calmly, turning to see his father's car parked outside the door. Taking the brunt of both Theresa and his luggage, he walked over with the others close behind him.
Glancing his son walking over, John Deneuve slowly opened his car door and helped him load the luggage in. "It's good to see you son!" he said wrapping him up in a giant bear hug. "We've missed you!"
"Thanks Dad! Where are Meghan and Sicily?" he asked glancing about.
"They decided to stay back at the house with Aunt Genevieve," he whispered. "And besides, judging from the amount of visitors you took upon yourself to invite, we'll be lucky if we can pull this off in one trip!"

One by one he introduced everyone to his father, with the exception of Jonathan, whom he planned on avoiding at all costs, and miraculously fifteen minutes later managed to fit all of them into his family's Yukon, and drive off into the direction of his family's holiday home.
"So what's this place like Jay?" asked Archie from the back seat. "Will it be big enough to fit us all under the same roof?"
"Oh yeah, the only problem is you'll have to share aunt and two sisters will unfortunately be joining us for the duration of the week."
"You have two sisters?" asked Atlanta. "Since when?"
"Since February 14th 1995 when we brought them home from the orphanage," he said shaking his head. "That's when all hopes of ever living in a quite house were crushed. They're twins," he said continuing on, "and there names are Meghan and Sicily."
"Jay honey," said his mother, "we didn't bring them home from any orphanage!"
"I know, just allow me that fantasy."
"Drama king!"
"Are they cute?" asked Herry earning stares from not only Jay, but his mother and father as well. Holding up his hands he said, "just joking."
"How come you never mentioned having two sisters before?" asked Atlanta.
"I try to forget," he said shaking his head.
"Hey we're not the ones who spoils them with gifts Jay," said his mother giving him the eye, "that job has long since taken up residence with the ever doting older brother."
"How sweet," said Theresa patting him on the arm, "I wish I had a baby sister to dote on."
"No you don't," he whispered smiling, showing no truth whatsoever behind his words, "because as soon as they're old enough to master the puppy dog face, they know they've got you wound around their little maniacal fingers."
"Oh Jay," said his mother, "you're making them out to be she-devils when you know very well that they're perfect little angels."
"Ha!" he said mockingly, "in which country?"
"We're here!" shouted his father over the verbal volley between his son and his wife.
"Holy...Jay?" asked Odie, "is that place yours?"
"Of course," he answered, "and you can close your mouth anytime. It's not as big as it looks."
"Somehow I doubt that very much," countered Theresa staring up at the gothic styled white stone house that lay before them, "wow!"
Running out of the house came two little girls, screaming and shouting as they flung themselves onto their older brother, who gave as good as he got. "Sisi! Megs! Wow," he said looking them over and ruffling their cute little brown curls, "you must of grown a full two millimeters since I've gone." Picking them up he walked over to where his friends were watching with gigantic smiles on their faces. "And these two monsters I've been telling you about, are my sisters."
"They're so cute," said Theresa and Atlanta together.
"I'm glad you think so," said Jay with a glint in his eye, "cause chances are you'll be sharing their room." Laughing he walked up the lane to the door and entered with both sisters still in his arms, and a look of befuddlement on all his friends.
"You know," said Odie casually looking up at each face, "I don't think I've ever seen Jay look exactly like that before!"
"I know what you mean," said Herry, "he actually showed off his sense of humour. We've gotta come here more often."

When all baggage had been put away, baggage being what they managed to buy in the way of clothes since the abrupt decision of coming to Greece. As it stood, Theresa and Atlanta were sharing rooms with Sicily and Meghan. Archie, Neil, and Jay took up another, while Herry, Jonathan, and Odie took up the last. This being said, there was going to be a lot to talk about that night...

"So are any of you dating my brother Jay?" asked either Sicily or Meghan to both the girls.
"I'm not, but maybe you should ask Theresa that question," muttered Atlanta over her custom nighttime coffee.
"I'm not dating Jay," she said all to quickly, "we're just good friends."
"Friends with benefits," she muttered back.
"What's that mean?" asked who they though was Sicily.
"Nothing honey," said Theresa patting her head, "you want us to tuck you in?"
"Okay," she answered dismissing the subject, "Sisi, bed time!" So this was Meghan...This is going to be a very long week, thought Theresa to herself, mentally reminding herself to kick Jay at the first opportunity she got.


Hope you enjoy!
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