Categories > Original > Romance > These Things I've Done

Chapter Eight: Awkward

by MCR-99 5 reviews

That Monday morning.. (I couldn't find a lyric to fit with this oh god..) // Sadie's chapter kiddies!

Category: Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2013-05-07 - 713 words

Chapter Eight: Awkward
-- Danny --

"Fuck. Fuck. Fuck." I was pacing the outside lunch tables on Monday, I knew I was fucking screwed. Ash and Jaime were enjoying my pacing and utter freak out.

"What now, Queen?" Ash asked, rolling her eyes from her position against her locker.

"Well, Sadie's gonna be here any second, and I'm fucked." I say, still pacing the floor. It was probably wearing itself out by now.

"So?" Ash rolled her eyes again. "You're so melodramatic Danny, maybe that's why Vic likes you so much." The very thought of that Mexican turned me on yet again, damn we fucked well on Saturday, it was literally the best fucking sex of my entire life.

"Mayb-" I caught sight of Ash and Jaime playing tongue twister again, jeez they were flexible. "Hey! Can you guys cut it out for one minute?!" Ash gave me the finger, so I rolled my eyes and let my head fall back against the locker, and then Sadie came into view, headphones and all.

"Hey." She smiled, looking over at all of us, giving me a side glance. "Danny, could I, uh, speak to you for just a second? Band business." She called me away from the group, which I was partly glad so I didn't have to witness the fucking of Jaime and Ash, yet I knew I was in for it.

"So." She began, slumping against the wall. "About Saturday.."

"Thought you said this was about the band.." I mumbled, and she snapped.

"It is about the band, Danny! You had fucking sex with The Enemy!" She shouted so loud, everyone turned their heads, even Ash and Jaime stopped mid make-out, Ash's legs wrapped around Jaime's waist, and his hands on her ass, oh Jesus, they needed a room. Soon, they made their way over to us.

"Woah, everything okay over here?" Ash hopped down from Jaime's waist, yet his hands were still by her ass.

"No." Sadie snapped. "Danny had sex with," Vic walked by at that moment, as if on cue, and Sadie pointed at him. "Him!"

"You called?" Vic then walked on over, it was as if that boy had super-human hearing, it was fucking unbelieveable.

"Yeah, Vic, I did." Wow, Sadie was suddenly harsh. "Why'd you have sex with him?" She nudged her elbow into my rib.

"Uh, ow." I butted in, and Sadie just glared at me.

"Was the sex good?" She asked, in a shouty tone.

"Well, yeah." I say, with a cocky smile. "He's mexican. Mexican sex is always good."

"I don't disagree there." Ash said, coming over to stand by me.

"Well, I do have that charm.." Vic blushed.

"Danny," Ash put a hand on my shoulder. "Vic's a good fuck, but nothing can compare to Jaime's python of bisexual love."

That was the moment of weird stares for Ash, but she shrugged it off. She then walked back over to Jaime, and they made out again. She went two minutes without making out with that damn spikey-haired Mexican, that's a new record.

"So, what you're saying is," Sadie got back to her point. "You liked having sex with Vic?" She looked kinda shocked by the whole thing.

"Yeah.." I mumble, and she just stormed off, muttering something along the lines of "good to fucking know, Danny, good to fucking know!"

I looked around at the rest of the group, who looked back at me.

"Who's going to go sort her out then?" I ask.

"You." Ash stated. "Well, y

"You did kinda start this whole drama, by fucking him."

"Hey!" I protest. "It took two people in that part!"

"But, she's only mad at you." Jaime added, and I sighed.

"Fine." I admit defeat, and before heading in her direction of leaving, I grab Vic's arm and look at him. "But, you're coming too."

"What?" Vic asked. "Why do I have to go?!"

"Well, because you were involved in what happened Saturday night, and, from what Sadie said to me, you guys dated before you turned gay for me, so, yeah, we're both in this shit, Vic." Then I dragged him around the entire school, to get ready for the soppiest apology ever.

Ooh.. Danny and Vic are in for it now hehehe
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