Categories > Celebrities > Green Day > Troubled Times, You Know I Cannot Lie

Troubled Times, You Know I Cannot Lie

by livinginarepetiton 0 reviews

Mike decides to talk to the new kid. Will they become friends? Is he a total wackjob? There's only one way to find out.

Category: Green Day - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Warnings: [V] [?] - Published: 2013-05-13 - 532 words

Billie's POV

I really do not want to start at this new school. I regret getting caught with pot at my old school and getting kicked out, fuck, I regret so much. There's a lot of preppy kids at this school, I've been told. Real snobby pricks. I'm an intellegent kid, I just got the wrong attitude- that's what the last councelor said. If anyone tries me I'll rip their goddamn head off. This is my third school this year and it's only February. My step-dad Rick is really getting on my ass for being an "emo little faggot." Rick can suck my left nut for all I care. The bus is pulling onto my street, my hearts racing. I mutter some profanity under my breath and pick up my backpack. I hesitantly walk onto the bus, thinking about how I could turn around and haul ass down the street and never look back. One step, two, three, I look up. Stares. Everyone is staring at me. I look down and sit in an empty seat at least one or two away from anyone else and put my headphones on. I put a Sex Pistols song on my iPod. Some time to look out the window and think, I'll spend about a half hour on this bus before and after school. I memorize the stops and the people who get on. I'm an observant guy, pretty cocky. I'm kinda attractive I guess, with my black hair and green eyes. My nose ring gives me that whole "punk"
look. All I have is band shirts and jeans with holes in them. I look up from my daze and see a blonde-haired guy get on the bus with a bunch of other kids. He looks kinda preppy with his sweater but his long hair makes him seem like he can hang. This was the last stop before school. Only about 10 minutes away now. When I get off I have to look for room 26, my homeroom. I pull out a map I got in the mail with my schedule. First floor. Then I have first period social studies in room 28, English in room 26, and math in room 20. All generally around the same hallway. Cool. Then I have fourth period lunch and woodshop. Before I realize it we're at school and I'm hopelessly wandering looking for any signs of where to go. I find room 20 and move my way down. ROOM 26 is in bold letters on an open door with a small women with short blonde hair standing outside. She looks at me, almost through me. Examining me awkwardly.

"I- I'm Billie Joe." I stutter. I always fucking stutter. She reaches her hand out.

"Mrs. Fry. Nice to meet you." We shake hands. She directs me inside and I take a seat in the front. I figure that will help me get out quicker to find my next class. I sit for 15 agonizingly tension filled minutes, with people asking about the new kid. I've repeated my name about six times. The bell rings. I jump out of my seat almost knocking over a kid's books. A quick "sorry" over my shoulder and I'm down the hall.
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