Categories > Celebrities > Green Day > Troubled Times, You Know I Cannot Lie

Moving Along

by livinginarepetiton 0 reviews

Things pick up and conversation is initiated

Category: Green Day - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2013-05-13 - 337 words

Mike's POV

I got on the bus this morning and saw a new guy. He seemed kinda cool but maybe a troublemaker. His black hair was intimidating but his size really wasn't. He was maybe 5'6, 5'7? 150 lbs maybe? Well, I got a chance to peek at his schedule from a distance and we have third period together. I walked into class, he's sitting kind of towards the back. I sat next to him.

"My names Mike." He looked up from his book with raised eyebrows. I smiled.

"I'm Billie Joe. Nice to meet you." He nodded and went back to reading about some band or something.

"Whaddya readin' there?" I was curious, trying to get to know the kid.

"Uh, a book about older bands and stuff." He book-marked his page probably to show he wanted to keep this conversation going.

"What kinda music do you like?"

"Um.. Sex Pistols, Ramones, Guns N' Roses. How about you?"

"I like G N'R man, totally. I play bass." Hey, he seems friendly.

"I play guitar.." Then the bell rang and the teacher introduced everyone.

"Everyone, Billie Joe is new here, try to be cool today and not overwhelm him with your disagreements and stupidity." Billie Joe was flushed, his cheeks red and a small smile on his face. Third period passed quickly and I met up with Billie again at lunch and they discussed his schedule in the hall.

"Would.. would you mind sitting with me and a few friends at lunch? I mean, you're new here and uh.."

"Yeah dude, totally." Billie seemed happy to be pretty cool on his first day.

I introduced Tré, Sarah, Claudia, and Jason. I told them Billie likes guitar, like Jason. Tré bragged about his "wicked skills" and how he can crash the crashes. It was a really talkative time, actually. I showed Billie to woodshop that he had with Tré, Claudia, and Jason and I went off to my home ec class. Maybe that kids not so intimidating after all.
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