Categories > Original > Poetry > Poetry of Sorts

My Love True

by kirziwirzi98 0 reviews

Hi :3

Category: Poetry - Rating: PG - Genres: Romance - Published: 2013-05-15 - 144 words

Hi guys :) I don't remember writing this poem but I found it on a page in my room so... If anyone notices or thinks that this is someone else's work please feel free to tell me :) I'm not claiming this poem. It is a pretty awesome poem though :) Enjoy! Oh I also don't have a name for this poem so... Yea.

My walls have fallen,
The time is set,
But you my love,
I won't forget.
You are special.
My lover true.
You held me up when times were blue.
I love you so,
You'll never know,
About the tears I shed,
Whilst lying in bed.
I never told you,
For I knew not how,
But now I have to.
I'm taking my bow.
The curtains are drawn,
Please move on.

Light a fire,
And some coal.
Goodbye my love.
Off goes my soul.
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