Categories > Original > Romance
Life Can Do Terrible Things
(#) Obsessive-Fangirl 2013-05-19
I CRIED. sobsAuthor's response
comforts you
it's okay..Life Can Do Terrible Things
(#) HatedEyes 2013-05-19
This was amazing, Sadie. :)Author's response
thank you Ash!
you still like me right? I still like you, you are still like my fucking sister.Life Can Do Terrible Things
(#) HatedEyes 2013-05-19
I still love you. I'm on my period, blame all angry outbursts on that.Author's response
I see..
the period and the blasted moods it gives out..
I haven't had mine yet..Life Can Do Terrible Things
(#) NothingToProve 2013-05-27
I loved this, like shit
To make things awkward
Consider yourself lucky
It sucks, hurts and really all you really want to do is eat random shit (or the last part is just me)
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