Categories > Original > Drama > Input Of A Tiny Ficwaddian.

Input Of A Tiny Ficwaddian.

by Fronk-EyeEarOh 0 reviews

My opinions, sometimes a diary, other times; I'm just rambling on about pointless things. Please read.

Category: Drama - Rating: G - Genres: Drama,Humor - Warnings: [!!!] - Published: 2013-05-18 - Updated: 2013-05-18 - 287 words

So, seeing as I put this in the 'Drama' category, I'm going to tell you about my opinions on that matter.

You see, I think there's drama everywhere you turn. That couple sitting at the bus stop? They've probably had so much drama that their head is about to implode. Other people just tend to create so much drama for themselves, that it's insane. I've always been very theatrical, so drama is good for me in the sense of plays, and so on.

Recently, my life has pushed me into some sort of corridor where I have no choice but to open a door and walk into another unnecessary dramatic act.

Perhaps I'm being irrational about this, and perhaps people enjoy it, but in my own experience of the last few months, with family illness, my own near-death experience, someone I loved very much to me dying and so on, I despise the thought of arguing over petty things. Why create so much drama in our lives? Do we have some void that can only be filled with our frustration and discontentment?

I don't get on well with my younger sister. And when I say this, I mean, she makes my life hell. She constantly wants you to feel miserable. I got out of hospital and she said to me 'It's your own fault you were in there. It's your own fault nobody loves you, not even yourself.'
My parents and my uncle are screaming at each other downstairs.
I shut up and let them do it.
I shut up and cry myself to sleep.

If drama has this effect on me and makes me miserable, why do some people intentionally force it on themselves?

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