Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > Why would she be interested in you?

Chapter 4

by BlueViolet_Mourning 0 reviews

hooray! chapter 4 has arrived! keep reading people. (i'm glad you got this far!!)

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2013-05-22 - 693 words

'Brendon?!' I heard Trisha yelling. 'Oh my god, what the hell happened??!'
Everything. i thought only this time i can't tell you it was nothing.
'Luke...' i whispered. 'He...he threw a punch at me.'
'He what?!' Trisha looked horrified. 'That bastard!' Then a teacher came pushing through the crowd. oh christ, why did it have to be Mr Lane?! i silently cursed god.
'Come on, Bren, up you get.' he pulled me to my feet. 'It doesn't look to bad, it's only a black eye. Would you like to tell me what happened?' Why? Why was he being so kind to me? We were mortal enemies for god's sake. Voices from the crowd chipped in.
'Luke was ever so violent, sir.'
'He was threatening Brendon with all sorts of violence.'
'Yeah, and he called him some horrible stuff. Poor Bren.' and then everyone agreed. Now i was scared, everyone that hated me since primary school were now sticking up for me. I didn't like it at all.
'Come on, lets get this sorted out. You too, Trisha.' then he lead us away, and the drowd dispersed one by one.

'Now, Brendon, this is an improtant matter.' Mr Lane looked hard at me. 'I need to know what happened.'
'I didn't do anything!' i protested. 'Well...' i hesitated. 'I only said some stuff because he'd got me up the wall, i was pretty scared y'know.'
'I know, i understand.' Mr Lane nodded. 'Well we can ensure a definite punishment for this, Luke will probably be suspended.'
'That's not enough.' Trisha said fiercely. 'And what's gonna happen when Luke comes back to school? What if he starts on Brendon again?'
'We'll keep a close eye on you both.' Mr Lan frowned. 'You can go now, this is in safe hands.'
'Yeah right.' she said rudely, slamming out of the office.

'Trisha...?' i called out across the school yard. 'Trisha where are you?'
'I'm over here.' her distant reply floated through the fog and sunshine. I found her sitting on the cold hard stone steps outside the science block. She had tears in her eyes, and her cheeks were flushing pink.
We sat in silence for a few moments while she tried to stop crying. Then she finally said:
'I'm sorry about that.'
'Why?' I laughed. 'It's just Mr Lane for christ's sake.'
'I mean about not being able to help you.' she sniffed. 'I stood there and watched Luke threaten you, and i shouldn't have.'
'It doesn't matter.' I said. 'You could've got hurt and I don't want that.' Then her yes met mine, and for a moment i swear i could tell what she was thinking.
'Brendon...' she said quietly. 'Why do I get this feeling....that you want us to be more than friends...?'
I seized my chance. ' don't understand...'
'I think I do.' she sadi softly. There was an awkward silence. 'You like me, don't you?'
'Oh god...yes Trisha, i do, but...'
'But what?'
'You're too good for me...'
She burst into hysterical laughter. 'Who told you that?!'
My cheeks burned. 'Nobody...I just guessed...'
'Honestly, Bren, whatever you've been thinking...' she smiled. 'You were wrong.'
Then she leaned closer, so close her silky hair brushed my face. I couldn't breath, I couldn't move, I couldn't ruin this moment. Her lips touched mine and all i cared about was her.
I broke away. 'Trisha...'
'Shut up, Brendon.'
She kissed me again, i heard the school bell ring distantly over the yard, but I didn't care. Her arms went around my neck and i held her tight, tighter, not wanting to let her go.
'We should go...' she said, breathless.
'Maybe...' i considered. I looked up into the sky and smiled, destiny had dealt me the ace of hearts, maybe everything wasn't as bad as it seemed...
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