Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > Why would she be interested in you?

Chapter 3

by BlueViolet_Mourning 1 review

i know this story isn't great, but read anyway? i want to know your opinions, becasue i'm not the best storywriter in the world.

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2013-05-21 - Updated: 2013-05-22 - 415 words

'I'm sorry you had to see that today.' i apologised to Trisha as we stood outside my house.
'It's ok.' she replied. 'It happens to everyone.' She smiled and i smiled and i didn't care any more.
'I'll see you tomorrow, ok?' she squeezed my hand. 'Later.' she departed down the road and i stared after her until she'd gone. I'd never been in love before, i hand't even cared for girls, (It's not as if they care for me!) but Trisha was different, she outragious, rebellious, she was absolutely amazing. I loved her, but why would she be interested in me?

Bored. Bored. Boredboredbored. I sat and scribbled on my history book as Mr Lane droned on about Henry VIII. I wasn't listening, so i jumped when he said my name.
'Brendon, please name Henry VIII's six wives.' he said, and i scowled, hating him.
'Me?' i aksed deliberately, and his eyes iced over.
'Is there anybody else called Brendon?' he aksed coldly. 'Don't mess with me, boy.'
I sat in silence for a few seconds before i finally said 'I don't know.' The class tittered while my cheeks blushed scarlet.
'You don't seem to know much.' Mr Lane shook his head. 'Stay behind after class.' Everyone else giggled a bit more, and i sank further and further into humiliation. I hate you. i thought. i hate ever single fucking one of you, i swear to fucking god. I stayed silent for the rest of the lesson.

The whispers and giggles started again the next day, and i thought just like old times, with a sarcastic smile. Pity i didn't try to cover it up.
'What the hell are grinning at, freak?' a boy scowled at me.
'N-nothing.' i said. 'C'mon, Luke, get out my way.'
'Or you're gonna do what?' Luke smiled. 'Cry like a baby? Only your Trisha isn't here to save you this time.' He shoved me hard and i fell back against the wall.
'Fuck you.' i hissed. 'Do you enjoy maing my life a goddamn misery?'
'He ignored my question, but he slammed me against the wall by my throat.
'What the fuck did you just say?' he snarled. 'Come on, Nerd boy, fucking say it again.'
'Fuck you!' i yelled in his face, he flinched, and i saw him raise his fist. uh oh, bad idead.
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