Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Hearts Aside Our Horses

In Case Of Emergency, Dial 411

by mychemicalpony 1 review

There's still hope for you, let me show you I can save you.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Published: 2013-05-27 - Updated: 2013-05-27 - 398 words


The smoke alarm pierced his ears as he was shook into wakefulness, so tired he couldn’t open his eyes. He vaguely wondered what it was, but the sound of someone screaming brought him to his senses. His mother was screaming. Upon opening his eyes rapidly, the room was filled with smoke and he started coughing, feeling like his lungs were trying to empty themselves of all the air left in them.

He leapt out of bed, grabbing his iPod through instinct and rushing through into the hall. Someone was trying to drag him downstairs, but he knew he should try and help his parents.

“Gerard, there’s nothing we can do for them now!” Mikey shouted over the roaring of the flames, tears prickling at his chocolate brown eyes. “We’ve got to get out of here!”

The two teenagers tumbled down the stairs, Mikey dragging his brother who seemed to be in shock and disbelieving everything. Out the door, racing to their neighbour’s house and punching 911 into the dial. Going outside again to watch their house crumble and burn.

The last thing Gerard saw was the fire brigade arrive with their flashing blue lights and hurrying to put out the fire before collapsing.

So, I know I’ve been away for a long time, but I want to start writing again and this is like the preview so this isn’t the length of a full chapter, obviously... But I just wanted to know if people were interested and stuff. Just to see if I should bother with starting to write again. Although, I think I will anyway because I just got a laptop and I love writing on it, as before we only had a shitty computer that froze every 5 minutes and couldn’t connect to the internet properly. Anyways, I think I’m actually writing more as an author’s note than the actual story. Oh, and just to keep you on your toes, I’m not gonna tell you what sort of romance it is. You’ll have to guess. Plus, I’m a little bored as I’ve just gone on study leave and apart from going to gigs, I have nothing else in my life to do so this will probably end up being written quite quickly, just because I have noting better to do with my time.
Juliet x
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