Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Hearts Aside Our Horses

It Was Written In Blood

by mychemicalpony 0 reviews

It was preordained that we should part.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama - Characters: Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Published: 2013-05-27 - 2216 words

Den Ble Skrevet I Blod

Gerard felt crisp, clean sheets under his fingertips. He opened his eyes slowly, and found he was in hospital. He seemed to be connected up to a feeding tube and his hand had a needle with blood coming out of it, sending shoots of panic through his brain. He looked around, and found Mikey in a sofa bed next to him, as, while the youngest had needed medical attention, it had not been necessary to admit him overnight and so a chair that turned into a bed at night had been set up by his older brother’s bed. Mikey’s eyes were half closed, with a bottle of water in one hand that was tipped so that it almost spilt, but not quite. Momentarily, he forgot what had happened and wondered what he was doing in hospital, until he caught sight of his left arm and saw an angry red burn stretching up from his little finger to just above the elbow. The sight made him feel a little sick, although he was usually good at dealing with injuries. Most injuries he had dealt with in the past, though, weren’t nearly as big nor severe as the crimson mark on his arm.

Then it all came flooding back. The smoke, the flames, the daze he had been in as Mikey had dragged him outside. The fact that they left their parents inside.

He felt a tearing in his stomach as he realised what they had done, or rather, hadn’t done.They were gone. His wonderful parents were gone.

Okay now seems a good point to end the chapter but I’ve only written 200 fucking words so I’m gonna have to settle with this a/n to break it up a little. Also I’m actually english so I say mum and maths and stuff but you know Gerard and Mikey are american so that’s why I’m writing it like that... I’ll let you get on with the rest of the story now.

A loud snort came from Mikey as he came to, and when he realised Gerard was awake, he properly woke up and rushed to his side, hugging him like he would never let go. “Gerard! They said you might not even wake up from all the fumes you inhaled! Oh my god though I was so worried oh my god are you feeling alright?!”

“I just feel a little tired, that’s all.” Gerard yawned loudly, trying to cover it up with his left arm but he found he couldn’t get it to move without the skin burning. “Where are mom and dad? Are they just getting some food? Or coffee?”

“Gee, they never made it out of the house. Their door was trapped. Even the firemen couldn’t rescue them. They’re never coming back.” Mikey’s voice cracked on the last word and big fat tears began to stain his pale face. To Gerard, it was like a giant punch in the stomach, only a million times worse. He didn’t care if he was gonna cry in a hospital, because, goddammit, he was devastated and no one could expect him to be alright with it.

A few minutes went past, with the pair just sitting and mourning their parents, until a female doctor knocked and came in. “Ah, good, you’re awake. We had a few concerns about the state of your brain but now you’re awake, the damage can’t be too bad. I’m gonna examine you for concussion now, so just try and do what I say, okay sweetie?”

Gerard had a bright light shone in each of his eyes, had a pen under his nose that he had to focus on when it moved, been asked his full name, date of birth and what day it was today. That last one stumped him a bit. He had no clue how long he had been unconscious for. “Uhh I know it was a Thursday when the fire happened, or Friday, well Thursday night... What day is it now?”

“That’s alright honey, you’ve had quite a shock and it’s only expected. It’s now Sunday, so you’ve been sleeping for two days. Okay, do have any questions? No? Okay, I’m gonna check your mobility now, so could you just move your left leg up for me?”

He found it a struggle, but managed it, despite it being quite bruised from being pulled down the stairs and it being motionless for 2 days. He could move everything else; his toes, his fingers, even in his left arm, but Dr Fisher let him keep his arm still, as the burn was “very painful for you, and will continue to contract as areas of skin attempt to regrow”.

“Err Dr Fisher? Do I have to go to school tomorrow?”

This caused a high pitched laugh to erupt from said person.

“Oh my, sweetie, of course not! You’re gonna be staying in here for a few more days yet, while we try to get that burn all clean and ready to repair itself and to watch out for any concussion, but after that you’re gonna be staying with your closest relatives. Do you know who that might be?”

This time, Mikey answered. “Um our aunt and uncle live in Italy, but apart from them we don’t have anyone else. All our grandparents have died and our dad was an only child.”

“Okay then, I guess if you could give us their phone number then we’ll contact them and see if we can arrange for you to stay with them. If you don’t want to go or they can’t care for you, we’ll have to put you to into an orphanage, I’m afraid.

“Okay then boys, I have to go now, but I’ll be back in about an hour and I’ll get one of the nurses to contact your aunt and uncle.” Mikey scribbled down their phone number, copied from his phone, onto the notebook held out by Dr Fisher.

“Okay then, see ya later honey,” Dr Fisher said as she closed the door behind her.

Gerard was the first to break the silence. “Mikey, I don’t wanna go to live with Aunt Camilla and Uncle Antonio. They have a really small apartment and Uncle Antonio is always smoking and drinking. Plus, Gustavo, Lorenzo and Trista are the most stuck up children on this planet! I really don’t wanna go there.”

“I know, the last time we saw them was when Lorenzo teased me about having glasses and snapped them. And do you remember when Trista called you fat?”

“We can’t go to live there, I mean I know Aunt Camilla didn’t like mom anyway and Uncle Antonio probably couldn’t give a tiny rat’s ass that they’re...”

“We’ll go to a fucking orphanage if we have to, I am not living with them.”

“Ohh, look at you swearing! I swear I’ve never heard you swear before now.”

“Yeah, well maybe that’s cause you’re deaf!”

“Maybe we should stop arguing and let me sleep.”

“You’re tired?! But you’ve been asleep for the last two days!”

“I happen to have got burnt very badly, I think I can excuse being a bit lazy for once!”

“But I have a few burns as well!”

“Just shut up and go to sleep.”

To be fair, I think I’ve done quite well, I mean 1200 words, that must be some kind of fucking record for me lol, I actually find it really hard to write stuff. Like, I can think of the story and shit but getting it down on paper (or the computer) is a whole different story.

As the car pulled up outside the large, intimidating house, Gerard’s stomach flipped. He had no idea what the other kids would be like, whether he would be the oldest or whether he was average age, or whether they would make fun of him for his thick black hair that had been burnt on one side so it was lopsided. Whether they would bully him like the kids at his old school had.

The door opened for him, and a severe looking woman with her hair pulled back so her face looked like a hawk. “Get out, then!” she barked at him, making him flinch.

He slowly got out of the car, careful not to agitate his bandaged arm. However, all this did was anger the woman.

“Come on, we don’t have all day!” Once both Ways were out of the car and walking over to the house, which, by the way, was absolutely massive. The big bay windows had black edges, which usually looked nice, but something about the horrid brown, sweeping curtains that seemed to have the ability to suck any happiness out of the rooms. There were no flowers outside the house, only soil where they should be and the only grassy patches were yellow. Everything about the house was depressing, and Gerard has a really really bad feeling about this place.

They entered the house via a big oak door, and upon setting foot in the house, an unpleasant musty smell found its way into their noses. They hung their coats on the coat rack, that had hardly any outer garments on it, and the coats that were there had several holes in them, as if no one had bothered to mend them.

“Right, you two had better listen up. I will only say this once. You should go through the dining room, up the stairs, turn right and enter the third door on the right. There you will find two free beds with clean bedding and a set of clothes for you to wear during your stay here, until someone decides to adopt you or you turn seventeen. You are expected to make your bed immediately after getting up and getting dressed at six thirty am every morning. You are then expected to report down to the dining room and there, along with the other children, you will get a list of your chores for the day. After you have completed them, you are allowed to either be in the drawing room, the billiard room or in the specified area of the garden.

"Meals will be provided at eight o clock, one o clock and six o clock sharp and if you miss them for any reason at all, you will not receive any other food. Under no circumstances are you to wander around the house or garden where it has not been expressed that you are allowed to be there. Any disobedience will not be tolerated. Is that understood?”

Both Ways nodded meekly, and she turned left into what they presumed to be the office. They wandered into

Sorry for the interruption but I was just reading a couple of my old fics and oh my fucking god they are dog shite. I feel embarrassed that I actually wrote it.

What they presumed to be the dining room, which had a massive mahogany table with a giant candlestick in the middle. There were stag heads mounted on the walls, the one above the fireplace the most impressive with antlers at least 2 feet across. The walls were painted in a deep red and a rich carpet was on the floor to match. The fireplace looked like the fire never ran out, with a massive pile of logs by the side and a row of implements to poke the fire. A huge chandelier hung from the ceiling, and looking up, there seemed to be two balconies that people would have looked upon the room in times of old.

A grand staircase was at the end of the room to the right, with a red carpet with gold edges in the middle. Gerard and his younger brother looked at each other before treading up the flight of stairs. After turning left twice on the staircase, there was a deep velvet curtain with a small opening directly in front of them, and Mikey felt a twinge of curiosity, so he stuck his head through the curtain and found himself on one of the balconies looking over the dining room.

Gerard whispered, “I hear footsteps, come on!” and so Mikey withdrew his head and they scurried down the corridor. Gerard counted two doors on the right, then pushed open the third.

“Well well well, I guess we’re gonna have fun now.”

Okay so I’m ending it there, please tell me what you think because if it’s completely godawful then I don’t want to waste my time writing it. Anyway, basically I’m writing the chapter title at the top in norwegian and then the chapter number, again in norwegian. This is for reasons that will become apparent in future chapters. So keep reading :) I will try and post once a week but because I am currently taking my GCSEs or the equivalent to SATs, I might not be able to. But that’s only if people actually read it.
Juliet x
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