Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Story of The Lost Boys

Playing God

by BitterLoveBlackHeart 1 review


Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Crossover,Drama,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2013-05-28 - 2215 words

Story Of The Lost Boys
Playing God....

Sitting here in this room is torture, not like I’ve been trapped, the door is unlocked, I’m free to roam the building, and yet I don’t want to leave the empty room, the white walls and ceiling, they are more of a comfort to me than out there, seeing the white suits and the masks, the guns and the posters, the smiles on everyone’s faces when in actual fact there is nothing to be happy about, they don’t know they aren’t even real, they think they are, but they aren’t, clones, clones of real people, real people living in battery city, or real people who were killed in the war, clones of the dead. Anything to build themselves an ‘unbeatable’ army. It’s not hard to clone an entire nation when you have almost every citizens DNA in police and military databases. But then what am I? I am no clone, if I were I’d be treated just like them, if I were I wouldn’t remember anything of my life, yet at one point I was dead, nothing to save me from falling into the next world, my world had ended until I opened my eyes and I was strapped to a hospital bed, needles in my forearm, and the constant beep of the heart rate monitor. Yet after almost two years of being kept like a pet, of knowing I shouldn’t be here, I still don’t know why I am…
A knock on the door disturbed my thoughts and a tall man in a black military suit entered “Subject zero, The Boss wants to see you.” He said, his voice low and rough, I sighed and pushed myself up from the floor “fine…” I said I approached him and held both hands out toward him, he wrapped them in handcuffs and escorted me through the building “You know I really don’t see the need for these…precautions anymore, it’s been five months since I last tried to escape, can you not tell I’ve given up?” I questioned shaking my hands around within the bonds that tied them, my escort shrugged “Sorry sweetheart, bosses orders.” I glared at him and stopped walking “Call me ‘sweetheart’ again and I will make sure your tongue falls ten feet away from your body when I rip it out.” I said before walking onward toward the office of ‘the boss’, I still don’t get why they refer to him as the boss, he doesn’t even own better living, he’s as much a clone as the Draculoids.

My escort opened the door to the main office and I walked in, I stood in silence as the bastard that was in front of me smiled “Good morning, zero.” He said pleasantly, I rolled my eyes “what do you want?” I asked bluntly, the smile on his face morphed into something much more devious “Take a seat, I think it’s about time I explained why you’ve been here for the past twenty months.” I sat down in the chair opposite him, his eyes fell to my hands, he clicked his fingers in the air “release her from those, she’s no threat here.” He announced and within a few seconds the handcuffs were gone, I looked up to him “are you going to explain to me what’s going on or what?” I asked bluntly, he leant back in his chair and nodded “of course, you see you were just another number to us at first, just someone else to note down as a suicide, but about six months later, four individuals ‘fell off the grid’ per say and then out of nowhere we had this very real threat of attack buy a group of young men known as ‘The Fabulous Killjoys’ by the people in the zones, so we researched the four boys who went missing and discovered your connection to them. And so we decided to…resurrect you.” He paused, I glared at him “You have no right to be playing God Korse, you don’t know what you’re doing, do you really think I’ll help you?” I laughed, the smirk on his face grew “Oh whether you cooperate or not is no bother to us…because we’ve decided the only way we’ll win this fight, is if we take them down from the inside, and what better way to do that, than by using you. We have some Intel that your boys are visiting zone six later today to discuss an alliance with another group of rebels, so we’re going to be ‘dropping’ you off there, but know, if you try to run away, we’ll pay special attention to our aim on Mr Frank Iero’s head.” My breathing stopped, they know, they’ve known all this time, who they are, and the guys, they don’t have a clue.

I stood from the chair “fine, but you can’t stop me from telling them what happened, and what your plan is.” I announced, Korse stood up so he was eye level with me “But I know you won’t…because telling them you’re only there as a weapon, a plan to destroy them, they’d never trust you, and Frank, well he’d never forgive you would he?” tears forming in my eyes I looked away, Korse laughed “Take her to get changed…” he announced. I sighed and once again followed my escort through long narrow corridors until we got to the workers changing rooms, I pushed open the door and hanging from the clothing rails were clothes only rebels would wear. I turned to my escort “Hey, are these the clothes of people you’ve killed…” I asked slowly, but he shook his head “No, they were specially found for you Ma’am.” I looked back at them and began to get

Party Poisons POV

The car journey has been eerily silent, Jet fell asleep about half an hour ago, Kobra has been humming to himself and Ghoul he’s been staring out of the window like a teenager pretending to be in a sad music video, I sighed and tried to ignore it, I know asking him what’s wrong would only upset him more, he’s so difficult to talk to these days, but it doesn’t mean I don’t love him any less, he still is and always will be my best friend, he’s as much a brother to me as Mikey, and it upsets me to know he’s not happy.
I stopped the car outside what looked to be an old pile of rubble made up of metal panels and barbed wire, but I knew it was the refuge for the zone six rebels, so I got out of the car, followed by Kobra, Jet and Ghoul, we approached the make shift building slowly, the sound of a shot gun being loaded made the four of us look up to the top of the building, where there was a guy, not much older than us standing there aiming his gun down at us “Nice…” Ghoul muttered, he’d always been fascinated by the old guns, he was always convinced there were none left, only ray guns and phasers these days, I looked up “we’re here to see The Wild Ones…” I shouted up, instantly the gun was pulled back, and he nodded “Alright, give me a moment…” he said before vanishing.

“I’ve never seen a settlement like this before…” Kobra whispered “They’re basically on the outskirts of Battery City, they have to keep security high all the time, they are at constant risk of invasion here.” Ghoul announced bluntly “Yeah but you’d think they might move…” Jet pointed out, Kobra nodding in agreement, I placed a hand on Ghouls shoulder “Yes but this settlement offers key information for what’s going on in Battery City, they can basically see everything, they are a key set of individuals and they are keeping everyone else in the zones alert and safe.” I stated taking Ghoul’s side on this one, the others simply shrugged and when we turned to look back at the building there was a woman, a black mask covering her face and her deep red lips were the only flash of colour against her black shrouded robes that fell to the floor, she was completely covered in black “I feel like I’ve just jumped into a harry potter book.” Kobra mocked, Ghoul glared at him “Have some respect.” He spat, I approached the woman “Sorry, have we kept you waiting?” I asked, she shook her head “No you haven’t but I suggest you stay more alert in these parts of the zones, Draculoids could patrol around here any minute. Now if you won’t mind following me I’ll take you to the man you wish to see.” She said calmly before turning around “Man?” Kobra questioned, she did not turn around but she nodded “yes, the others you seek have gone out on their afternoon patrol, they should be back in an hour or so, meanwhile you can still have an audience with The Prophet.”

We entered the settlement and well, it was like walking through a medieval dungeon, torches lit the walls and corridors were long and narrow, the walk through was silent until Kobra decided to make conversation “so...what are we supposed to call you? You haven’t really given us a name…” he asked, a small smile formed on the woman’s face “most people call me The Messenger, as to them I merely convey messages to members of the settlement, but to the Wild Ones, I’m known as The Psychic, you may call me either, I do not mind.” She announced pleasantly “Psychic? You can see the future and stuff…” Jet asked she laughed gently “No, I cannot see the future but I can see into a person’s past, I can feel their emotions and I can see the person they once were, I feel everything they feel and know everything they know.” She finished, Ghoul sigh “Bullshit.” He muttered under his breath “Oh you don’t believe me?” she asked, her smile turned into a devious smirk, she turned to face him “would you like me to prove it?” she inquired, Ghoul rolled his eyes and pushed his way past her trying to continue his journey down the corridors “You’ll get lost if you go alone Frank.” She stated, the three of us glared at her, and Frank came marching back toward her with a threatening look in his eyes “what did you just call me?” he asked still glaring, her smirk grew “Frank Anthony Iero, only child you lost both your parents during the war and were left only with your friends for company, you’ve seen much worse things than the others haven’t you, the death of your best friend having to watch the suicide of the only person you ever truly lov-“ “that’s enough Lindsey.” A deep voice echoed from behind us “I think you’ve delved into his past enough, let him be.” She stepped away from Ghoul and bowed toward the other man “As you wish.” And with that she walked away “I’m sorry for that, she enjoys new visitors she thinks it’s a game sometimes…anyway, I’m The Prophet, I need not ask your names. Kobra Kid; Jet Star; Party Poison and Fun Ghoul.” His voice was deep, yet strangely relaxing, he was much taller than any of us and was dressed exclusively in black “Now I was just on my way to greet the others as they have arrived back from their patrol, please, join me, we’ll have much to discuss.” I nodded and we followed him through the corridors in the opposite direction we were initially going in.

The prophet pushed open the small door and a blinding amount of light flooded my eyes, once I regained my sight I saw the silhouettes of four men walking toward us one of them carrying what looked to be a body of a woman in his arms. I looked to the others who were squinting to see if they could make out the body’s features. “Please, stay here, I’ll be back in a moment.” Prophet said calmly before he ran over to the others. Meanwhile we just stood there “You know, I’d advise you four take a closer look.” Said a familiar voice, we turned to see Lindsey standing beside Ghoul, her mask and cloak gone to show a normal girl, not far from our own age, she placed a hand on Frank’s shoulder before staring at him for a moment in silence, nothing was said, but ghoul’s breath hitched and he bolted toward The Prophet and the others, he ran faster than I’ve ever seen him run, as if he ran with desperation, Lindsey walked quickly in Ghouls footsteps, leaving the three of us standing there slightly worried and confused.
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