Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Strike Wizard

Bed Rest

by c0dy88 2 reviews

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: G - Genres: Crossover - Published: 2013-06-04 - 1392 words - Complete

I don't own Harry Potter or Strike witches...DAMN!



Story Start

Hermione awoke with a groan and a pounding headache. Something that wasn't helped by the loud thumping roars that where coming from outside.

With some effort Hermione forced her eyes open, only to snap them closed from the glare of the sun piercing the room. A giggle from somewhere to Hermione's right caused her to roll her head in that direction and give the person sitting there a mono eyed glare.

It turned out to be Mrs. Bishop sitting in a chair next the Hermione's bed, hands busy working on one of her younger daughter's dress.

"It's good to finally see you awake" Mrs. Bishop said as Hermione levered herself into a sitting position, though the pounding in her head meant that she was badly slumped over. Minnie frowned as she watched Hermione struggle to get up and that frown only got worse when she noticed pale and strained Hermione's face was.

"How bad is it?" Mrs. Bishop asked as she moved to sit next to the young girl and began to gently message her temples. Hermione gave a soft purr of appreciation and leaned into Minnie's hands.

"Like there's a hundred over caffeinated gremlins with jackhammers in my skull trying to bust their way out" Hermione said after a few moments with a wince. Minnie noticed that Hermione was barely able to sit up at all and that the longer she stayed up the paler she got.

"Lie back down and rest Hermione" Minnie ordered as she gently pushed Hermione back to her pillow. Hermione's head was pounding so much that she didn't even try to argue; she just snuggled back into her pillow and hoped the pain would go away soon.


Harry and Lynette slumped against the back wall of the Bishop's house panting from another practice section. Lynette could feel the frustration that practically flowed off of Harry at the moment along with the sweat; and it wasn't just because of his continual poor performance in training. Harry was very worried about his friend Hermione and angry that there wasn't really any way for him to help her get better.

And it kind of amazed Lynette that she wasn't feeling too jealous about that even though Harry had agreed to be her boyfriend. Lynette figured it was a combination of them only being officially together for a couple of days; and that in the month that Harry had been living with the Bishops he'd never shown any of the signs that Lynette thought a two-timer would.

It also helped that she was just as worried about Hermione as Harry was.

Lynette was about to get up and get her and Harry some water when she saw her mother walk out and pull Ms. Galland and Wilma aside. They spoke in hushed voices for a moment before Wilma turned and sprinted out of the yard and Mrs. Bishop returned to the house while Adolfine walked over to where her two students were resting.

"There's been a change of plans so we're going to cut today off here" Harry gave their teacher a confused look.

"What came up ma'am?" Harry asked.

"Hermione has finally woken up" Adolfine said, and then had to raise her hand to stop the two teens from jumping to their feet and racing to their friend's side "Apparently she's still pretty tired and has a major headache so you won't be able to see her until after a doctor has checked her out. In light of this I'm going to cancel the rest of today's training" any relief Harry felt from Hermione's reawakening disappeared when he heard that. Adolfine noticed this and gave Harry a quick smile.

"Don't worry Harry this happens all the time with witches that develop sensory or analysis type powers, especially if said power is really strong, the brain needs to adjust to taking in new forms of information. In a messed up way this could be seen as a good sign. The more powerful the ability, the worse the headache when activated" Adolfine said with chuckle while Harry and Lynette gave her mild glares but decided not to growl at their teacher too much as she turned to lead them into the house.


It took a little over an hour for Wilma to get back with the doctor, who had insisted on bringing along two witches that had a healing talent. After an in depth examination the doctor determined that Hermione did indeed have a combination of exhaustion and, as he put it 'Severe Brain Over-Stimulation' from using her power before she really understood or was used to it. He had the two witches with him use their healing magic on Hermione; which reduce her head from 'Apocalyptic' to merely 'Painful', then ordered Hermione to three days mandatory bed rest and a week of light duty before she even thought about trying out her magic again, let alone her power.

"Well this sucks!" Hermione grumbled after the doctor and the two witches left. She had a glass of water in hand and was sipping from it while glaring out the window at the sunny lightly clouded sky that she wasn't getting to enjoy.

"Hermione!" Mrs. Bishop said sharply though the way the corners of her mouth keep trying to twitch up showed that she wasn't really mad. Hermione made a half heart apology and went back to glaring out the window.

"You it could be worse Hermione" Mrs. Bishop said as she watched her young charge sulk from a chair beside the bed.

"I know it could have but my previous statement is still true" Minnie conceded the round with a hearty chuckle and the two drifted into an amicable silence for a moment before Hermione felt the need to speak up.

"So did I miss anything while I was out?" Hermione asked.

"Harry and Lynne are dating" Mrs. Bishop replied bluntly. She still had a smile on her face but her eyes had narrowed slightly as she waited for Hermione's reaction. It didn't disappoint as Hermione's eyes went wide and the water she'd just sipped was forcefully ejected acrossed the room before she tried to take a breath to speak and sucked a few drops down the wrong tube leading to a severe coughing fit. It took Hermione a minute or so to get the coughing under control before asking in a scratchy voice.

"When? How?"

"The when was yesterday" Mrs. Bishop said with a genuine smile back, "as for the how part...I'm not sure but in may have involved a shared bed, a bathtub and some nudity" to Mrs. Bishops surprised Hermione broke down into ruckus giggling.

"'bout bloody time!" Hermione exclaimed loudly before she clenched at her temples in pain. After a couple of minutes Hermione had the pain under control enough to expand on her earlier statement for a clearly surprised Mrs. Bishop. "Lynette's been pining for Harry for the last couple of week now but wasn't able to get up the nerve to ask him out; and Harry's at that point in life where girls are only slightly on his radar. So if Lynette wants anything romantic from Harry she's going to have to be up front about it" Mrs. Bishop couldn't help laughing at that. She could well remember what it was like at that age; mind you boys weren't at the top of her 'to-do' list, that place went to smashing Neuroi in the Great Neuroi War.

"So are you going to do now?" Mrs. Bishop asked.

"Not much I can do at the moment is there" Hermione grumbled as she snuggled back into her pillow "I've got a killer headache still and won't be allowed out of bed for several days. So I'm just going to sleep on it."

"Well then I'll leave you to it and go get dinner started, yell if you need anything" Mrs. Bishop said as she stood and headed for the door, but just as she reached it she stop and turned back to the exhausted girl.

"You really stink so I'll get one of the girls to help you to the bath later" Hermione just waved an arm to show that she understood and Minnie exited the room.

Chapter End
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