Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > I love you too much

Chapter 24

by pepe_soldier 0 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2013-06-11 - 855 words - Complete

Mikey's pov:

Frank wasn't moving. He was very pale. He looked like he died. But I knew that he was very much alive. I was nervous. I was just guessing what will happen when he wake up, and I knew that I'm in big danger.
Gerard's pov:
13 bottles. Not enough. I kept mixing. I didn't had much bags of blood. Not anymore. It was different with me, I needed just one little injection of that cure. But for Frank it will be complicated.

Frank's pov:

About an hour before:
I was curled up in corner. I couldn't move anywhere. I was surrounded. He was standing above me. Max. He was bringing his long and sharp fangs more and more closer to the scar on my neck. I shut my eyes tightly. In one moment I felt huge pain. Then darkness, and nothing...

Mikey's pov:

He started to move. I backed away. I wasn't sure about all of this. Maybe I had to just come back to that hospital. But I didn't. And now I was here. Kinda trapped. With vampire Frank.

Gerard's pov:

20 bottles. I poured last drops of blood from last bag in the bowl in which I was mixing that cure. 21 bottle is filled. Last bottle. I put all of bottles in bag and ran to my place. I hoped that I will find them there. But I didn't. I found note sticked on the door. It was saying:
'Go to the old abandoned house in wood, you'll get next instructions there'. What should I do? I ran faster I could there. Kellin was waiting me there already.
-Come with me -he said fastly and started walking deeper in wood. I was following him.
-Where are they? -I asked.
-Shh -he said shortly and continued walking - If you want to save them, you have to be quiet.
-But... -I said shortly and he just looked at me, giving me a sign to shut up, so I stopped talking.

Mikey's pov:

He opened his eyes. They were red. He looked at me. I knew it was the end. He will kill me. And that's it.

Gerard's pov:

-There -Kellin said and pointed on the large house which was hidden between trees.
-They are inside?
-Somewhere inside, yes.
-How will I find them?
-Believe me, you already know it -he said and walked away. I was looking after him. Then I looked back on the house. I entered inside. House consisted of corridors. While I was checking each room, I was thinking about Kellin's words. What was that supposed to mean? Then I kinda understood. Firstly, room have to be locked. Second, room have to be small. And third, that room have to be somewhere where no one will ever try to look for it. Basement or attic. Basement was closer, so I went there. Basement was one long corridor, but there wasn't many doors. I checked the last one first. It was opened. Nothing. I was checking it very fast. Then I went to the attic. It wasn't very simple. First, there was too much stairs. It was filled with spider webs and full of dust. Then something that was terrifing me: someone put used injections on the floor and sticked few of them on the wall. I freezed. It was just terrifing. I took stick from the floor and moved some injections away. I passed, but I was scared so much. When I passed, I sat in the corner. I was sweating, I was still scared. Then I had to continue, I still have to find Mikey and Frank.

Mikey's pov:

-Hello, Mikey -Frank said. It was very hard to recognize his voice. I was in corner, and he was just about two metres away. He stood up and started walking to me. His eyes were bright red. He grabbed me for my wrists and pinned me to the wall. He was very strong. He was smirking all the time. Then we heard something punching the door.

Gerard's pov:

I found it! Finally. I tried to broke in. I was hitting and pounching the door, but nothing. Then I recognized something in the pile of dust. It looked like a key. I blew the dust. It was a key! I took it and unlocked the door. I rushed in and Frank was already about to bite Mikey.
-Frank! -I shouted and he looked at me. His eyes were bright red. Then he looked back at Mikey and started bringing his fangs closer to his neck. I grabbed Frank for his shoulders and moved him from Mikey. I threw him on the ground and hit him with the stick I still was holding. He passed out.
-Are you okay? -I asked Mikey.
-Yes -he nodded and hugged me.
-It will be okay. I have enough cure -I said while I was hugging him back.
-Then we have to start with it now! -Mikey said and I smiled.
-Let's go, brother. Let's do it. -I said and we both looked on Frank who was lying on the floor, still fainted, and still very dangerous.
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